
Interview Beatriz Robles in the TVE programme: Saber vivir

After having seen how the chicks are cared for and pampered on an organic farm in Toledo, the nutritionist, author of the book "Come seguro comiendo todo" ("Eat safely eating everything"), tells us in her interview with Miriam Moreno, on the programme Beatriz Roblesauthor of the book "Come seguro comiendo de todo"("Eat safely eating everything"), clarifies in her interview with Miriam Moreno, in the programme of RTVE Saber Vivirthat eating chicken is a safe food.

As he explains, food of animal origin has stricter hygienic and sanitary conditions and therefore has to meet microbiological criteria for cooking.

It is safe to eat chicken meat. It cannot be eaten rare or undercooked, it is a meat that must always be well cooked.

Beatriz Robles, TVE.

 There are some common myths or mistakes made by people who think things like the ones we will see below, which the food technologist completely disproves:

  • There are those who think that grilled chicken fillet is spoiled in the frying pan because of the hormones that are supposedly administered to them or even that it helps them to put on weight. Well, Beatriz Robles states categorically that the use of hormones as a growth factor has been completely forbidden by law for decades and that this legislation is complied with.
  • Other people also believe that chicken skin is unhealthy because they are injected with things that are then retained in the skin and are therefore full of toxins. This is totally false. Fresh meat cannot have additives or brines injected into it. If these animals grow so large, it is because they are selected to grow so large.
  • Finally, the water in the frying pan comes from the meat itself, as 75% of the meat is water, and when it is subjected to heat treatment, the proteins denature, coagulate, etc., and release this water.

Follow the full interview below in this video:

Source at https://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/saber-vivir/como-cocinar-correctamente-pollo/5661316/