The Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat is positioned as a reference in the international fair of the meat sector with gastronomic activities and professional meetings

Madrid, February 25, 2025.- Meat Attraction 2025 has kicked off today in Madrid, consolidating its position as the key meeting point for the most important players in the meat sector at a global level. Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, is participating prominently in the event, representing the value of the national poultry industry and reinforcing its leadership as one of the main meat sectors in Europe.

Avianza has created a unique space in Hall 4 (stand 4B13), designed to host meetings between industry professionals and to offer visitors a detailed overview of the progress, production and innovation in poultry meat in Spain. With more than 40,000 direct jobs generated, the poultry sector is key to the country's economy and is reaffirmed as the second largest producer of poultry meat in the European Union.

One of the main attractions of the Avianza stand is the presentation of the Spanish Poultry Quality Certificate, an initiative that guarantees the quality, traceability and food safety of chicken, turkey and quail meat produced in Spain. This seal endorses the high standards of sustainability, animal welfare and exhaustive control followed by national poultry companies, reinforcing confidence in Spanish poultry products.

The interprofessional organization has welcomed the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to its space, a meeting where they were able to share their vision of the future of the sector and their concern about the EU-Mercosur agreement and the transport law, among others. 

Show cookings and live culinary experiences

In addition, Avianza offers a series of gastronomic experiences in its space, where visitors will be able to enjoy show cooking by renowned chef Sergio Fernández and popular chicken chef and cook Raúl de KOC. These gastronomy experts will demonstrate various ways of preparing poultry meat, with recipes that highlight the versatility and flavour of Spanish birds.

On Tuesday, February 25 at 1:30 p.m., Sergio Fernández delighted attendees with a menu consisting of:

  • Chicken with shrimps
  • Quails with mole poblano
  • Turkey and cereal crunchburger

On Wednesday, February 26 at 2:00 p.m., Raúl de KOC will offer a workshop on chicken butchering techniques and will present innovative recipes such as:

  • Oriental Chicken Stir Fry
  • Quail legs with Korean BBQ
  • Mini Turkey Smash Burger

These culinary shows aim to inspire chefs and restaurateurs to include poultry meat in their menus, highlighting its nutritional value and adaptability to all types of dishes.

A key sector for Spain and Europe

Jordi Montfort, Secretary General of Avianza, has highlighted the importance of the association's presence at the fair: “Being part of Meat Attraction is essential for us, as it allows us to continue to showcase the wealth of the Spanish poultry sector at an international level. It is a unique opportunity to position ourselves as a benchmark and share with the world the effort and dedication of our industry.”

With its presence at Meat Attraction 2025, Avianza reinforces its commitment to the promotion of Spanish poultry meat, bringing the public closer to both excellence

Marta Lafarque (Avianza Internationalization); Jordi Montfort (Avianza General Secretary); the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas; Josep Solé (Avianza President) and Arán Zaldívar (Avianza Technical Deputy Director).

Moment of the cooking show of poultry meat from Spain with chef Sergio Fernández

Sergio Fernández preparing the quails.

The Avianza team at the poultry sector stand at Meat Attraction.

Madrid, February 18, 2025. In recent weeks, the European Commission's Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF Window) has issued several alert notifications linked to poultry products from Brazil, which has revived concerns about food safety in Mercosur countries. These alerts include the detection of pesticide residues and chlorinated chemicals, which are not permitted in the European Union, as well as the presence of pathogens such as Salmonella in meat products. For this reason, their entry has been refused, but it is impossible to verify the 100% of shipments from Brazil. 

From Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, we underline the importance of strengthening controls on imports from Mercosur countries, especially at a time when trade agreements are being sought that could increase the entry of these products into the European market. The growing list of alerts issued by the RASFF exposes the vulnerabilities of the food safety system of these countries and raises serious doubts about the quality and compliance with the health standards required in the EU.

Furthermore, the recent European Commission report, “Final of audit carried out in Brazil from 15 April to 3 May 2024 in order to evaluate the animal health controls in place, in particular on avian influenza in relation to the export of poultry, eggs and their products to the European Union”, calls into question the capacity of the Brazilian authorities to diagnose outbreaks of avian influenza early. The document warns that, although the system offers certain guarantees on compliance with import requirements, surveillance for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) may not be sufficient to detect the disease in time, which increases uncertainties regarding the control of exported products.

In this regard, Avianza reiterates its concern about the impact that the Mercosur agreement would have on the European poultry sector. According to the Rabobank report, "EU-Mercosur agreement: Implications for food and agribusiness", this agreement would allow the entry of 180,000 additional tons of poultry meat from Mercosur, which represents an increase of 581 TP3T with respect to current imports from this region and 201 TP3T with respect to total poultry imports in the EU. This increase, together with the deficiencies in Brazilian health controls, could put European food safety at risk, compared to the strict controls that European producers comply with, as reflected in the recent declaration of Spain as free of avian flu by the World Organisation for Animal Health.

Faced with this situation, Avianza urges European authorities to assess the impact of these products on consumer health and to prioritise local production of poultry meat, which is subject to strict quality controls and certifications. It is essential to defend the European poultry industry, which guarantees complete traceability and complies with the most rigorous animal welfare and food safety regulations, offering consumers safe, top-quality products.

  • The prestigious international food and beverage fair has started today and will run until Friday, February 21 at the Dubai World Trade Center
  • The poultry interprofessional has a presence in the ICEX space, where the Poultry of Spain has an area of 48m2, where six important poultry companies show their products and production processes to visitors.
  • With this action, Avianza is able to demonstrate the quality, capacity for innovation, as well as the commitment to animal welfare, sustainability and food safety of the Spanish poultry sector. 

Dubai, February 17, 2025.- The 2025 edition of Gulfood Dubai has kicked off this morning at the Dubai World Trade Center, consolidating its position as the largest agri-food event in the Middle East. AVIANZA, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, is once again present at this international forum with a large space within the ICEX Spain, Export and Investment pavilion, called “Poultry from Spain”. Within the area dedicated to the Spanish poultry sector, six large poultry companies, such as Coren, Iberdigest, Oblanca, Subirats, Urgasa and Vall Companys, have their own space to showcase their products and production processes to visitors. 

The presence at Gulfood Dubai is part of Avianza's internationalisation strategy and its agreement with ICEX, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, so this will be a key week to promote the competitive advantages of the Spanish poultry industry to distributors, restaurateurs and consumers, internationally recognised for its quality, innovation and high standards in animal welfare, sustainability and food safety. In this regard, the Avianza team, headed by Jordi Montfort, general secretary, and Marta Lafarque, head of internationalisation, will be receiving representatives of companies and associations interested in establishing alliances with the Spanish poultry sector in the interprofessional space. 

“Participation in such renowned fairs as Gulfood is key to positioning Spanish poultry products in a region of great importance for our international expansion, such as the Middle East. This event represents an indisputable platform to present and exalt the excellence of our production” says Jordi Montfort.

Representatives of Avianza, the six poultry companies and OFECOME at the Poultry from Spain space at Gulfood Dubai.

“Poultry from Spain” space within the ICEX stand.

Meetings at the Avianza area in Gulfood Dubai.

Members of OFECOME, representatives of Coren, Iberdigest, Oblanca, Subirats, Urgasa and Vall Companys and the Avianza team in the space dedicated to poultry meat.

Avianza has held a meeting with distribution, restaurant brands and the media where it has delved into the main challenges of the poultry sector in 2025

Poultry meat accounts for 411 TP3T of total protein consumption in Europe, consolidating its position as one of the main sources of protein in the European diet and global poultry meat consumption is expected to grow by 21 TP3T per capita by 2032.

Chicken meat is the most consumed fresh meat, with 557,900 tons in 2023

In terms of sustainability, European poultry meat is already established as a role model in the food sector and follows the objectives and meets the standards of the European Commission's Farm to Fork strategy.

Pressure from animal rights initiatives such as the European Chicken Commitment (ECC) to impose its model would entail an investment of 8.24 billion euros, which would reduce European production capacity and increase imports from countries with less strict regulations.

Madrid, February 4, 2025. Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, has held a debate forum for professionals in the sector, distribution and restaurant brands, as well as for specialized journalists. In this virtual meeting, Josep Solé and Jordi Montfort, president and general secretary of Avianza, respectively, together with Carlos Garcés, researcher and president of the European Federation of WPSA (World's Poultry Science Association) delved into the situation of the poultry sector for 2024 and the challenges for 2025.  

European poultry meat, a sustainable food sector

European poultry meat accounts for 411 TP3T of total protein consumption in Europe, establishing itself as one of the main sources of protein in the European diet and global poultry meat consumption is expected to grow by 21 TP3T per capita by 2032.

But it is also recognised worldwide for its high quality and efficient use of resources. Producers in the sector are aware of the importance of sustainability throughout the production chain, following the objectives of the European Commission's Farm to Fork Strategy. 

The European poultry sector is constantly seeking to improve its practices, establishing itself as a global model in food sustainability with strict EU regulations that guarantee resource conservation and animal welfare. 

In Spain, chicken meat is the most consumed fresh meat, with 557,900 tonnes in 2023, which represents an increase of 15% compared to the previous year.

A sustainable sector that they try to pressure with hoaxes 

Following these objective data on good practices in the European poultry sector, Avianza spokespeople wanted to delve deeper into the threats and the appearance of hoaxes and misinformation surrounding production systems and certifications promoted by animal rights groups and international pressure lobbies. 

Specifically, in relation to the initiative called European Chicken Commitment (ECC), under a pressure campaign for adherence to its own seal of animal welfare, in Spain coordinated by the Animal Welfare Observatory, which requires producers to eliminate breeding systems to focus only on the most expensive segment of products, derived from opting for lower breeding densities, the use of slow-growing strains and breeding in facilities with access to the outside. These measures would be the death knell for thousands of farmers in Spain, as well as an increase in costs that will impact on the ability of consumers to choose more affordable poultry meat. 

Its impact in logistical and economic terms is equally unaffordable (ADAS Report), something that animal rights organisations do not provide in a transparent manner to show the consequences of their demands. It is estimated that the implementation of the ECC would increase production costs by 21.9% per kg of poultry (from €2.74 to €3.34), an amount that could reach €22/kg in the case of breasts.

Furthermore, moving current production systems to ECC conditions would require 66.3% more farming space, which would be equivalent to the construction of around 9,692 new poultry houses, at an estimated cost of €8.24 billion. This scenario not only represents a huge financial effort for producers, but could also lead to a significant reduction in production in Europe, opening the door to greater dependence on imports from third countries, where regulations are much less strict.

“In addition to all these handicaps, there is the campaign of discredit and lies carried out by these organisations, providing supposed studies, clearly biased, with the sole aim of generating controversy and confusion among consumers and, ultimately, putting pressure on distribution companies, restaurant brands and poultry companies to join the private initiative of the ECC and continue financing these organisations” said Jordi Montfort, secretary of Avianza, adding that “what is really serious is that they call into question the advances of the sector in terms of sustainability and animal welfare, both European and Spanish, for a purely economic and ideological interest, and that they try to sell it to the consumer as an animalist act. The consumer deserves to have all the information” 

For his part, researcher Carlos Garcés, reaffirmed, through studies and contrasted data, that “producing poultry meat is producing the most sustainable meat in the world, it is the meat that has the greatest efficiency as a product because the poultry sector is the sector that has opted for technological improvements.” 

“Sustainable European Poultry Meat” Campaign

Avianza has been collaborating with the European Union for two years now on the “Sustainable European Poultry Meat” campaign, a project in which an intense dissemination effort is being carried out among consumers, educational institutions and research centres in our country. In this year, such relevant actions have been developed as: Sustainable Poultry Gastronomic Week at the Limbo Bernabéu Restaurant, seminars at universities for more than 5,000 students or the popular 10k race where more than 1,000 participants registered.  

Moment of the webinar with Josep Solé, president of Avianza and Jordi Montfort, general secretary.

● The Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat has organized, one more year, the Thanksgiving dinner with chef Manu Berganza (Azotea Group) and the pairing of Bodegas Carmelo Rodero

● The event, which took place at the Cornamusa restaurant in Madrid, brought together prominent representatives of the agri-food sector, as well as journalists and influencers related to food, gastronomy and lifestyle.

● In addition, Aves de España will hold a raffle in collaboration with Taste of America - through their Instagram profiles - where 15 turkeys of Spanish origin and different classic American side dishes will be given away.

Madrid, November 27, 2024.- For the third consecutive year, Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, has celebrated the traditional Thanksgiving holiday with turkey and Spanish poultry as the main protagonists. For this, the chef chosen was Manu Berganza, who leads the kitchens of Azotea Grupo and prepared, at the Cornamusa restaurant (Madrid), a complete roast turkey menu with its traditional garnishes and also shared his carving technique with the attendees.

During this culinary event, which was attended by a large group of guests including representatives of the Spanish agri-food sector, journalists and renowned influencers in the gastronomic and lifestyle fields, Avianza continued to promote the consumption of poultry meat, in general, and turkey in particular, one of the most versatile and healthy options on the market. And of course, highlighting meat certified with the Aves de España seal, a distinction that certifies the Quality, Sustainability and Food Safety of the Spanish poultry product.

In addition, on this occasion, Avianza had the collaboration of Bodegas Carmelo Rodero, who created a perfect pairing to accompany the turkey. Its founder, Carmelo Rodero, and its technical director and oenologist, Beatriz Rodero, shared with the attendees the history of their company and the details of the wines of the evening: Carmelo Rodero Crianza 2022, Carmelo Rodero Raza 2021 and Carmelo Rodero TSM.

“It is a pleasure for us to continue promoting Thanksgiving, a holiday with such a beautiful connotation as gratitude and in which everything revolves around a turkey” says Jordi Montfort, Secretary General of Avianza, adding that “it is a celebration that allows us to continue giving value to the Poultry of Spain, to the work of thousands of farmers and professionals in a production chain that employs more than 40,000 people and is one of the three main producers of poultry meat in Europe. For all these reasons, combining this American tradition with a quality raw material such as the Spanish turkey seems to us to be the perfect combination.”

Turkey: symbol of celebration and versatility

Turkey has earned a prominent place on holiday tables thanks to its versatility, flavor and ability to bring people together around a special meal. It is an essential food in Christmas and Thanksgiving recipes, a holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States, where stuffed turkey is the main dish.

Similarly, in the Christmas celebrations of many cultures, roast or stuffed turkey has become one of the most traditional recipes, consolidating its presence on the tables during these festivities.

Spanish turkey and American side dishes, the perfect combination

In addition to this Thanksgiving dinner, Avianza and Aves de España will be holding a raffle from Thanksgiving Day (November 28) until December 5 in collaboration with Taste of America, a company specializing in American products. 15 turkeys will be given away, as well as products to accompany them, such as pumpkin puree or the classic turkey stuffing with herbs and spices. The contest rules can be found on the Instagram profiles @avesdespana and @tasteofamericae.

With this presence on the shelves of Ahorramas supermarkets, Aves de España marks the beginning of its campaign to reach consumers and highlight the quality of the processes and food safety of poultry meat certified with the seal.

Spanish poultry is at its peak and both new poultry companies and more food chains are about to join the certification.

Madrid, October 8, 2024. The quality certificate BIRDS OF SPAIN (, promoted by Avianza (Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat) is already a reality on the shelves. The objective of Avianza is to progressively bring its promotion campaign to the establishments of the Distribution channel, as well as small businesses and butchers throughout Spain. Birds of Spain, with the aim of informing the consumer about the quality of Spanish poultry meat, which is produced under the premises Sustainability, Animal Welfare and Food Safety.

The first large retailer to join this initiative has been Ahorramas, a food distributor that already has poultry products identified with the “heart” of Aves de España on its shelves.

The objective of Avianza is to have a presence in the spaces dedicated to poultry meat, both in the area of Poultry shop as in the areas of Refrigerated, where the consumer can identify which products have the seal Birds of Spain thanks to the labelling provided for this purpose). Customers can also obtain all relevant information on the requirements that these meat products meet through a code bidi which redirects to the campaign website, where all the available information can be found.

For now, poultry products from such relevant companies as Avícola Hidalgo, Nutrave, Redondo and Grupo Vall Companys (through its subsidiaries Pondex and Avigal), officially certified with the seal Birds of Spain, are the pioneers that already have the labeling on the shelves. Soon, new companies that are already currently processing the certification will join, and will soon add this identifier in supermarkets. At the same time, other important supermarket chains will also join in the short term, giving space to Birds of Spain.

“For Avianza and the entire poultry sector, it is great news to be able to bring the quality of Spanish poultry meat to the consumer. And doing so in collaboration with a leading company synonymous with quality and commitment such as Ahorramas is a great satisfaction” says Jordi Montfort, Secretary General of Avianza, who adds that “this is the starting signal for an initiative that further strengthens the Spanish poultry sector, which certifies the quality of our products and, above all, which shows the unity of a sector in its commitment to differentiation”.

All the information at the consumer's fingertips

The certification Birds of Spain in poultry meat products assures the consumer that the operators who obtain it have a certified system that includes strict traceability, quality and control requirements, identifying poultry in the market for the production of meat (fresh, refrigerated or frozen , whether packaged or in bulk); and products made, transformed or processed with it.

To this end, products that meet all the requirements of the regulation and are certified will have the label. Birds of Spain on its packaging. In addition, this logo has a QR code, which the consumer can scan and learn about all the safety, quality and animal welfare certifications of the product they are consuming.

The progress made since the initiative was launched in February 2024 was presented, which has allowed the first inspection actions and favourable court rulings.
Special mention was made of the need to defend the Mediterranean diet in the face of the “plant-based” trend, as reflected in the recent report on the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture and Food in the EU.
Four lines of collaboration were proposed, with the launching of training and information campaigns for citizens with the support of AESAN being of great importance.

The joint initiative #CadaCosaPorSuNombre in defense of truthful information for consumers led by ANFACO-CECOPESCA (Maritime-Industry Complex Organization1), ANICE (National Association of Meat Industries of Spain), AVIANZA (Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat) and CEDECARNE (Spanish Confederation of Meat Retailers), and which represents more than 150,000 workers, met this week in Madrid with the new general secretary of Consumption and Gaming, Andrés Barragán, with the aim of presenting the path followed throughout 2024 and establishing new courses of action for the coming months. Ana Lopez-Santacruz, director of the National Food Center, belonging to AESAN, was also present during the meeting. The #CadaCosaPorSuNombre campaign, launched last February, seeks to raise public awareness and the Administration about the importance of correct labelling and advertising in the face of misinformation and confusion created by vegan products that imitate foods of animal origin.

During the meeting, the progress made to date was presented, citing: the latest reports made after a sampling of vegan products carried out in
supermarkets in Spain and which have resulted in favorable legal actions, for example, with the contentious-administrative procedure brought by the Institute
Galician Consumer and Competition Commission against the product “Filetes MerlVza” by HEÜRA; or the legal-technical analysis carried out and delivered to different Autonomous Communities, which seeks to facilitate the establishment of inspection criteria based on Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 on consumer information or others such as the Directive on misleading and comparative advertising (2006/114 / EC). Additionally, the directive that aims to end Greenwashing in the EU (2024/825) was analyzed, highlighting that said Directive “prohibits the use of generic environmental claims without a clear explanation”, and that vegan products would be in breach of compliance by using messages in their campaigns such as: “A meat burger pollutes more than your car” or “helps save the oceans”.

During the meeting, special mention was made of the risks derived from such confusion for consumers in relation to food safety. The tragic event that occurred in Australia in 2020 was recalled, when a six-year-old child died after mistaking the container of body milk for cow's milk. The case of Belgium in 2017 was also mentioned, where parents confused the suitability of giving their child cow's milk versus a vegetable drink. In the case of fish protein, the problem of vegan products that imitate canned tuna was exposed, but whose conservation must be refrigerated, with the consequent danger.

Promoting the Mediterranean diet in Europe instead of the “plant-based” diet

There was room to debate the recent European report on the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture and Food, presented last week by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, together with the person responsible for the report, Professor Peter Strohschneider.

The report includes in its recommendation 2.1 the increase in the consumption of “plant-based” foods in Europe, in light of which the report suggests that this transition should be accompanied by the consumer and proposes compensation for livestock farmers who might be affected by this trend. In other words, the report supports the “plant-based” diet.

From the #CadaCosaPorSuNombre initiative, it was requested that Spain stop the concept of a “plant-based” diet, returning to the studied patterns and endorsed benefits.
scientifically from the Mediterranean diet. It is absolutely false that these “plant-based” diets are better than the Mediterranean diet. From a nutritional point of view, they lack the benefits of animal products, which offer a unique digestive matrix, rich in high-quality proteins, essential nutrients and Omega 3 fatty acids, such as in oily fish, or vitamin B12 in meat.

Specific collaborative actions

The sectors represented in #CadaCosaPorSuNombre, submitted four petitions to the
Secretary General, which were as follows:

1. Request the new European Commission to implement the delegated act contained in Article 36 of Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 to establish additional provisions for vegan products, including prohibiting their imitation as a strategy of displacement and confusion.

2. Propose the development of harmonized national legislation for all products of animal origin, which clarifies the situation, for which it will be of great importance
usefulness to wait for the ruling of the European Court of Justice on the preliminary question raised by France.

3. Strengthen control and surveillance mechanisms by the Autonomous Communities, ensuring compliance with product labelling regulations
imitation vegans, with special attention, in addition, to the HORECA channel.

4. Develop, in collaboration with AESAN, educational campaigns aimed at consumers to increase awareness of nutritional differences
between foods of animal origin versus vegan products.

In short, promoting public-private collaboration in consumer protection, promoting a clear and unified approach, because if biased information is provided or there is a lack of clarity, confusion can arise.

<< And because there are no vegan chicken nuggets, let's call #CadaCosaPorSuNombre >>

    Representatives of Avianza, ANICE, ANFACO-CECOPESCA with the Secretary General of Consumption and Gaming.

    • The chef and nutritionist carried out a cooking show at this educational meeting that is bringing together families, teachers and directors of private schools from all over Spain at the school. brains from Madrid 
    • More than a hundred attendees have been able to taste the nutritious chicken and turkey dishes and discover the benefits of this white meat within the framework of an educational meeting where nutrition at school age is also taking center stage.

    Madrid, July 2, 2024.– Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, wanted to highlight the Poultry of Spain by carrying out a cooking show with the help of the renowned chef and nutritionist, Marta Verona, at the innovation symposium, Educate with Foundation, which is taking place at school brains from Madrid. This educational meeting brings together families, teachers, directors of private schools from all over Spain, as well as professionals in different areas that have an impact on the school stage. As has been the case of María Puy del Portillo, Scientific Director of the CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), who participated in a round table with other professionals such as Javier Urra. Precisely, after this debate, the showcooking was held where Marta, in addition to preparing succulent chicken and turkey dishes, recalled the great nutritional contribution of poultry meat and highlighted the quality of the national product.

    Poultry meat is an important source of high-quality proteins, vitamins (B3 and B6), with little caloric load and cholesterol. This white meat is a pillar of the Mediterranean diet and healthy eating. With high digestibility, it provides phosphorus, iron and potassium and, in addition, contains essential amino acids for our body.

    Furthermore, Spain is in the top three European producers of poultry meat, with 750 million birds produced per year and 40,000 professionals linked to the sector. Las Aves de España generates a business volume of more than 2.3 billion euros annually, with a mission: to provide healthy, accessible and quality food for people.

    Attendees were able to receive a master class on the tastiest and most nutritious options for cooking chicken and turkey and tasted a Taco of Caesar salad with cold cuts turkey home and continued savoring the chili pepper chicken with huasacaca.

    With its presence at this educational symposium, Avianza wants to continue promoting the Aves de España seal, the result of the commitment of the Spanish poultry sector to quality, sustainability and food safety. This time in an environment as transcendental as childhood and education, where establishing good eating habits is essential for future nutritional development.

    Marta Verona during the workshop in Educate with Foundation.
    A moment of the tasting at school brains.
    Jordi Montfort, general secretary of Avianza together with Marta Verona and Candy Hernández, director of the school Brains.
    • If the entry into force of the new European regulation on the transport of live animals continues, framed in regulations for the supposed promotion of animal welfare, it would mean an immediate investment of 361 million euros, plus another 125 million euros annually.  
    • For Avianza, this is a regulation that has not taken the sector into account and that is based on a totally “impossible” implementation, which would lead to the closure of Spanish meat companies and the arrival of chicken meat from countries outside the EU that do not meet minimum standards
    • The measure means reducing the loading capacity per truck by 43%, increasing the number of necessary trips by 65% (more than 15 million additional kilometers), and generating an additional 222% of greenhouse gas emissions.

    Madrid, June 27, 2024. Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Poultry Meat Association, has presented, on the occasion of the European Poultry Conference (Valencia), the main conclusions of its “Report on the Impact on the poultry meat sector of the proposal for a Regulation on the protection of animals during transport and related operations”, amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/97 of the Council of the European Union and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005. An initiative that supposedly seeks to promote animal welfare, but that neither improves it nor represents a benefit in terms of sustainability, with a negative impact in both fields, especially for Spain. 

    This analysis, which has been transferred to both the European Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the Government of Spain, details the disastrous implications of this regulation for both consumers and the environment, contrary to what it claims to intend, and In practice, it means the possible disappearance of thousands of farms and companies producing the poultry meat sector. in our country, given the consequences on the viability, competitiveness and restrictions of the new proposed regulations.

    The regulation aims to impose a redesign of the transport containers, increasing their height, as well as regulating the density in each of them. In addition, the consumption of inputs would increase, such as fuel, wear and tear on vehicles, overtime of transporters (with the consequent occupational risk and road congestion),... It would also imply the adaptation of mechanical infrastructure systems of the processing facilities, waiting times. , etc.  

    These are the main conclusions of the Report:

    Resolution of a Non-existent Problem

    The report highlights that the declines in poultry transport in Spain they are already extremely low, with an average of 0.3%. This figure indicates that the current regulation already guarantees a high level of animal welfare during transport. The proposal does not present a situation or impact analysis, and appears to address a problem that does not exist in the reality of the sector.

    Economic Impact on the Consumer

    The implementation of this regulation would have a brutal economic impact on the Spanish shopping basket, as has been demonstrated in other regulations applied in European countries regarding animal welfare defined behind the backs of the sector, and which has tripled in some cases the price of chicken, as in the case of the Netherlands.

    Risk to Food Sovereignty

    Spain is a key exporter of high-quality poultry genetics. The new proposed restrictions would put export capacity at risk, affecting the food sovereignty of both the European Union and the countries supplied. Companies would be forced to relocate outside the EU to maintain their markets, which would also endanger European food sovereignty. Unfortunately, relocation can actually be the step towards the closure of companies and the entry of production from other markets not subject to the regulation that is intended to be applied.

    Environmental Consequences

    The proposed regulation would increase CO2 emissions, water consumption and the carbon footprint of poultry transportation, reducing the sustainability of the sector. This contrasts with the sustainability and environmental protection objectives that the EU aims to promote. In addition to an increase in the number of trips to move the same production of poultry meat (more than 65%), it would imply the emission of 222% more greenhouse gas emissions.

    Assumption “Animal Welfare”

    Contrary to what is intended, the new regulations could harm animal welfare. Increased space between animals during transport could increase the risk of injuries and fractures, without providing significant benefits in terms of animal welfare. Transporting animals with lower densities would be equivalent to creating very dangerous gaps in the event of braking, as well as height regulations, which could cause raised animals to fall and break limbs. For comparison, this measure “"It would be like removing the seats from a bus so that people could travel standing on the road," which is clearly truly reckless.

    Avianza reiterates its commitment to animal welfare, sustainability and food safety. However, it urges that any new regulation be based on concrete data and a rigorous analysis of the real impact on the sector and consumers.

    Economic impact summary table.
    Arán Zaldívar, deputy technical director of Avianza and Enrique Díaz, director of Inprovo.

    The good weather has arrived and with it, the outdoor barbecue season. This year, we encourage you to surprise the grill with some different and summery poultry meat preparations that will delight your guests.

    Madrid, June 6, 2024. Is there anything more summery than a good barbecue? Getting together with family and friends outdoors, with grilled meats and fish, is the perfect recipe for an unforgettable evening.

    For this reason, chef Alfonso Castellano from the Seeds restaurant and AVIANZA, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, have joined forces, once again, to give the keys to success this summer by making poultry barbecue, as well as sharing three different and delicious recipes of turkey, chicken and quail with which to surprise diners.

    All this without forgetting the importance of the Spanish product, of the Birds of Spain that are synonymous with quality (the Spanish production chain follows the highest standards of food control and safety); of proximity (there are farms spread throughout Spain); of versatility (it is one of the most suitable meats to prepare different dishes and combinations); of saving (it is one of the most economical, key for this inflation) and nutrition (it is a source of access to quality proteins, a key element for a healthy and balanced diet).

    Jordi Montfort, welcoming the Bird Barbecue with Alfonso Castellano.

    “With these actions from Avianza we want to continue promoting consumption in our country. The Spanish poultry production chain is one of the best in the world and the quality of our birds is unquestionable, which is why we have to continue spreading its benefits with actions like this," said Jordi Montfort, general secretary of Avianza, and added that "Spain It is also one of the main producers of poultry meat in Europe. We have a growing sector that we have to be proud of.” 

    Chef Alfonso Castellano in a moment of the cooking show with Aves de España.

    Keys to success with poultry barbecue:

    1. 1. Get out of the routine: A barbecue doesn't have to be limited to chorizo, blood sausage and bacon. There is a wide variety of meats and fish perfect for grilling. In addition, there are healthy options such as poultry.
    2. 2. Macerations and marinades: Grilled meat should not be synonymous with simplicity. To add a special touch and maintain juiciness, let the meat marinate for at least six hours with various spices and juices. Poultry meat, in particular, benefits greatly from these preparations, gaining in flavor and texture.
    3. 3. Quality product: All the above advice is worthless without good gender. Spanish Poultry is a top-level product, and the Spanish poultry sector is one of the leaders in Europe in terms of production, safety and food quality.

    This Aves de España barbecue brought together gastronomic and lifestyle journalists, content creators on social networks and personalities from the livestock-meat sector among its embers, who were able to enjoy, in the gardens of the Seeds restaurant, a different experience with Poultry meat from Spain as the true protagonist.

    Alfonso Castellano carried out a complete cooking show where he made three fun recipes to surprise the embers:

    1. Turkey wing in Korean sauce
    2. Roasted chicken with gin and tonic
    3. Open quail with rum, honey and lemon with roasted pineapple
    Spanish Bird Barbecue.



    ● Fresh Turkey Wing 3k
    ● Smoked oil 120ml
    ● Kimchi 200ml
    ● Fresh cilantro 10g
    ● Chives 100g
    ● Salt 20g
    ● Water 2l


    1. Clean the feather wings and rub with salt.

    2. Mix the smoked oil with the kimchi, chopped spring onion and fresh cilantro leaves. Add the turkey fillets here and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

    3. In a pressure cooker, add the marinated fillets and cover lightly with water, cook for 15 min. Let it cool, remove the wings and let it cool in the refrigerator.

    4. With the ember at a medium intensity, we will sear the fillets until they are golden brown and we will pour them with the resulting sauce so that they caramelize over the heat.



    ● Chives 300g
    ● Garlic 10g
    ● Laurel 2 leaves
    ● Nail 2 units
    ● Allspice 10g
    ● Aged rum 100g
    ● Lemon juice 100g
    ● Honey 30g
    ● Chile 1 unit
    ● Extra virgin olive oil 200g
    ● Royal quail 8 units


    1. 1. Clean the quail feathers, open them from the back and crush them, add salt and set aside.
    2. 2. Using a blender, blend the rest of the ingredients.
    3. 3. Spread the quail with the mixture and roast over low heat while watering and turning the birds on the grill.



    ● 2 roast chickens 1k each
    ● Ground juniper 50g
    ● Chamomile 10g
    ● Lemon juice 300g
    ● Gin 100g
    ● EVOO 400g
    ● Salt 20g


    1. 1. Mix all the marinade ingredients and rub the chickens on all sides inside and outside the piece.
    2. 2. Let marinate for 12 hours.
    3. 3. Remove the chicken from the marinade and let it cool for 2 hours before roasting.
    4. 4. Prepare the coals for medium heat.
    5. 5. Place the chickens on the spit and place 30cm from the embers, cook for 45 min.
    6. 6. For the first 15 minutes, it will be placed on the side of the chicken's back.
    7. 7. The next 10 minutes on one side of the chicken and the next 10 minutes on the other side.
    8. 8. For the last 10 minutes we will place the chicken on the breast side.
    9. 9. We will separate the spit from the fire 50 cm and we can keep it that way for 10 more minutes if necessary, rotating it constantly.

    About Birds of Spain:

    Aves de España is a quality certificate for poultry meat of Spanish origin that Avianza has developed and which was born under the fundamental premises of Sustainability, Animal Welfare and Food Safety for the entire poultry meat production chain.
    The Aves de España certification in poultry meat products assures the consumer that the operators who obtain it have a certified system that includes strict traceability, quality and control requirements, identifying poultry for meat production in the market ( fresh, chilled or frozen, whether packaged or in bulk); and products made, transformed or processed with it.
    To this end, products that meet all the requirements of the regulation and are certified have the Aves de España label on their packaging. In addition, this logo carries a QR code, in which the consumer can scan and learn more about all the safety, quality and animal welfare certifications of the product they are consuming.

    About Avianza:

    Avianza, Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, is an interprofessional organization with 25 years of activity, which brings together more than 65 associated companies in Spain, and which defends the interests of the poultry sector both in our country and in the international market.
    The association represents more than 90% of companies linked to the poultry sector, both chicken, turkey and other poultry. In total there are more than 5,000 farms and production centers, 281 cutting and processing rooms, which provide direct employment to more than 40,000 professionals.
    Among Avianza's objectives is also the consolidation of the poultry sector as a benchmark of quality and professionalism in the foreign market to promote exports, thanks to the work and responsibility of everyone. Likewise, Interprofessional is a pioneer in promoting quality, environmental, consumption promotion and animal welfare measures in Europe, with which it is fully committed and which places the sector as an example of sustainable production for both distribution chains. as for consumers.