
The 9 paradoxes you need to know "from farm to fork".

9 Farm to Table Paradoxes

Sustainability is one of the pillars on which the development of the current meat industry is based, and its weight will be even greater in the coming years, together with the energy transition and innovation. To demonstrate the efforts of the European livestock sector in this regard, Avianza participates in the initiative promoted by the Platform "European Livestock Voice", which in Spain has its adaptation in Somos Ganadería.

Part of our efforts are aimed at effectively setting out the keys to developing and implementing an effective "Farm to Fork" strategy in Europe. This is a challenge for which several interprofessional organisations have joined forces, within the framework of the European Union's action.

Our latest action has been the presentation of the video "The 9 paradoxes from farm to table"In this video, we highlighted that, despite the good intentions, "the farm-to-table strategy does not take into account the real situation and challenges of the livestock sector". Our wish is to actively participate in the great process of ecological transition underway, but to show through this content that the response requires a complete, transparent and realistic analysis.

These 9 paradoxes reflect the misconceptions and prejudices that the livestock sector suffers from, and which refer to issues such as the environment, health or economics. Our challenge is to uncover the inaccuracies that are often propagated without any scientific basis, and to provide accurate information on issues such as:
- The nutritional value of meat
- The coherence of land use for livestock farming
- The environmental sustainability of the European livestock chain
- The economic impact of the sector
- The protection of animal welfare
- The use of fertilisers
- Employment in rural areas
- The gastronomic and cultural heritage of products of animal origin
- The safety and availability of our foodstuffs