


Tender for the selection of an Evaluation Agency for the assessment of a multi-Programme REA EU 1144/2014 for the promotion of poultry



The Partnership:

CIPC – French Interprofessional Committee for Broiler Chickens (Coordinator)

Since its origins in 2007, CIPC is a French Poultry association representing 85% of the broiler sector and each of its fields: hatchery, farmers, animal nutrition, slaughterhouses. CIPC allocates its means and resources to broiler production, with a dedicated board member and study activities. Based in Rennes, close to major poultry production areas, CIPC represents the interests of its members on a wide range of topics such as animal welfare, sustainable production, food safety, exports and social affairs, therefore its employees actively participate in various working groups and consult with, for example, members, ministries, The French Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (DGCCRF), universities and others. CIPC also contributes to disseminating all innovative results to foster investments in the poultry sector. At EU level, CIPC follows the works of the AVEC, the voice of the European poultry sector. At National level, CIPC developed an Observatory on the reasoned use of antibiotics in poultry and contributes to the valuable cluster on Agri-food who is one of the 3 leading agribusiness clusters and is engaged in Avipole Formation (the national training center for poultry).

KRD-IG – The National Poultry Council – Chamber of Commerce

KRD-IG is a leading poultry sector organization in Poland, based in Warsaw, aiming at protecting the interests of poultry farmers, producers and processors. Currently KRD consists of 110 members of various specializations from the poultry industry. KRD members include agricultural universities, associations of poultry farmers and producers, poultry meat processing plants, feed production plants and individual poultry farmers and producers. They represent every field of the Polish poultry business sector. KRD members produce approximately 70% of the total slaughter poultry production volume and approximately 80% of Polish exported poultry products. The organization actively stimulates Polish poultry sector growth and modernization and represents the poultry industry in relations with the Polish government, administration and non-public organizations. KRD coordinates promotional and communication projects for the poultry industry and maintains a wide range of educational and informational initiatives. KRD actively represents the Polish poultry industry in Europe and worldwide.

BVH – Bundesverband bäuerlicher Hähnchenerzeuger eV

The BVH is the Federal Association of Farmer Chicken Producers and it is responsible for the agricultural operations at all stages of production of German chicken meat. The task of the association is bundling information about broiler production, providing competent information to all those involved, as well as authorities and institutions, and thus making the German broiler industry internationally competitive. With currently around 1000 members, 95% of the German chicken industry is organized in the BVH. As a specialized branch focusing on the topics of the poultry processing industry, BVH is a member of the umbrella and topmost organization of the German poultry industry, the ZDG – Zentralverband der Deutschen Geflügelwirtschaft e. V. (German Poultry Association). On an EU and international level, BVH is a member organization of AVEC and the International Poultry Council. BVH is the acknowledged contact for Germany's Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture on all issues regarding poultry meat production. BVH's tasks cover a wide variety of topics representing the interests of its member companies, such as animal welfare, food safety, promotion of export activities and marketing standards.

AVIANZA – the Spanish Poultry Meat Association

The Spanish Poultry Meat Association AVIANZA has 43 associated companies, integrating more than 95% of the poultry meat market, with currently more than 5000 farms, 281 slaughterhouses and cutting plants, as well as more than 40,000 employees working for the meat poultry industry in Spain. AVIANZA's commitment is developing innovation and market access to associates looking for equal promotion activities, enabling them to develop in a constantly changing world. Avianza focuses on the promotion of all poultry meat products, specifically on quality, environmental and sustainable consumption measures. Poultry meat production in Spain is technologically advanced and fully integrated, representing the 23% of the national meat production. Around 80% of Spain's total poultry meat comes from chicken.

EURSPO – the Programme:

The EURSPO Program focuses on the promotion and information of European sustainable poultry products and the benefits of the consumption of European poultry meat with a strong emphasis on the efforts of the industry towards more sustainable European production systems and more sustainable consumption trends (zero food waste) .

The market analysis identifies and justifies the need for such an important programme, both for the European Union and the proposing organizations alike (CIPC, BVH, AVIANZA, KRD) and it is aligned with the Farm to Fork and Green Deal strategies and Work Plan 2023 and complies with FBDG (Food Based Dietary Guidelines), reinforcing all efforts made by the European Commission itself.

The programme's main goal is to provide general information and to raise awareness on the sustainability strategies that the European poultry meat industry has been and will continue to be implemented, most significantly in terms of the negative impact of food waste on the environment, the economy and the society.

The general objectives of this proposal are:

  1. to highlight the specificities of the European Unions, in particular in terms of environmental friendliness and sustainability in order to highlight the sustainable strategies that the European poultry meat industry has been implementing for many years;
  2. to increase the awareness of the benefits of choosing EU products in order to promote a healthy lifestyle;
  3. to increase the competitiveness and consumption of European poultry products, thereby increasing the European market share in Germany, France, Spain and Poland.

This proposal has a pan-European identity with a unified European image in all target markets, adapting the message to the individual challenges that they are facing and inspiring and motivating action all stakeholders.

EURSPO program focuses on three main target audience: young people, family decision makers (both of whom would form the end consumer section) and key opinion leaders, in France, Poland, Germany, and Spain. By selecting these segments, the promotion campaigns plan on targeting the generations who are seeking information, learning about food choices and making their minds; those who make food decisions for themselves and their families, shaping our consumer trends; and those who can spread our sustainability message.

With an overall budget of over €4 million and many promotion and information activities in France, Poland, Germany, and Spain the partnership will not only use online and offline channels to communicate the message but will also organize different events, tasting days and workshops to reach the highest number of consumers possible. The impact that this program will have for the European poultry sector will also encourage other industry key players to work on their sustainability and approach to food waste.


In accordance with the EU regulations, the promotion program must be evaluated by an external Evaluation Body, in order to guarantee the respect of planned deliverables, costs and objectives.

The agency will determine a methodology to evaluate the correct implementation and effectiveness of the activities, as well as will evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign, especially on the targeted groups determined by the objectives and strategy. The selected evaluation body will have to consider for each planned action the output, result and impact indicator. They will gather data using appropriate means and use the data collected during the campaign to reach an appropriate level of information.

The evaluation body will have to be mindful of:

  • Output indicators: deliverables of the campaign (number of press ads, number of press releases, number of social media posts…)
  • Result indicators: measuring the reach of each action (viewership of videos, readership of press releases and of social media posts…)
  • Impact indicators: measure of how the campaign has increased awareness / image of the product and created a tangible economic return thanks to its various promotion actions, compared to the situation before the campaign and a baseline scenario without the campaign being implemented.



The budget of the evaluation of the campaign including fees is €66,000 (VAT incl.) over a total of 2 year-campaign. The distribution of the total evaluation budget per year is the following:

  • Year 1 (01/01/2024 – 12/31/2024): €15,400;
  • Year 2 (01/01/2025 – 12/31/2025): €50,600.

The Evaluation Agency will be in charge of the following activities, for a total budget of €66,000 (VAT incl.):

Extract from Plan B – below.

Work Package 8. Evaluation of results

Activity 1: Awareness Level Survey. In order to calculate the evolution of consumer awareness, it is necessary to carry out yearly surveys regarding the level of awareness of sustainability values of the European poultry sector in target countries at the beginning of the program and at the end of its implementation period. This survey will be carried out by an independent third party which through a series of surveys will report on the status and measurement of indicators established necessary to correctly evaluate the achievement of the target values set for the impact indicators, the persons reached by this survey will be 150 per target country.  Evaluation of results. KPI Study As with activity 1, the study of KPIs is necessary to better estimate the real impact of the program. The evaluation of the KPIs will include and allow all four beneficiaries to better understand information such as the increase of the recognition towards the EU sustainable poultry and the increase of its consumption and market share in target countries. Data will be extracted from the KPI monitoring to evaluate the results, level of impact and trends. Study on Perception of Poultry Sustainability. As with the activities 1 and 2, since there is not that much information available for consumer habits and consumer behavior towards sustainability, we aim to develop a study by survey methodology on how consumer behaviors are embracing sustainability regarding the poultry industry. This study is intended to reveal the growing influence of sustainability of the post-pandemic target market's consumers, the insights into the level of engagement among different age groups, the importance of sustainability in the decision-making process, the barriers to sustainable poultry purchasing and the key aspects of consumers trends towards sustainable poultry meat and production methods. The persons reached by this survey will be 175 per target country. Thanks to this information and insights, the sustainability and continuity of the program is ensured and guaranteed.The Survey will be set up following the regulations and expectations following Annex III.

Duration: M12–M24

Lead Beneficiary: ICPC

Objectives: This work package activity is linked to Objectives 1, 2 and 3.


CIPC will send applicants on demand a briefing including technical information related to the selection of the target markets and the programme's objectives, as well as activities foreseen and KPIs for the preparation of their applications.

1. This call for proposals concerns the promotion program for agricultural products co-financed by the European Union.
2. Agencies wishing to apply must have English-speaking contact people, as all exchanges with CIPC and REA will be in English.
3. The application file will include the following elements:
· A presentation of the evaluation methodology;
· A reverse planning for the evaluation of the campaign;
· A detailed quote presented in Euro's, all taxes included, respecting the broad budgetary framework.
4. The Evaluation Agency will have to bring guarantees in the absence of conflict of interests to take part in this call.
5. Once the Evaluation Agency's work has been paid, the creations of the selected agency will become property of the announcers with no limit of time or location, for use through all communication techniques and media.
6. The announcers will reserve the right to use concepts and creations in all their campaigns and the campaigns of their collective structures with no limit in time.
7. Expenses can only be put forward after a detailed quote and a framework contract have been signed between the announcers and the selected agency.

The detailed proposition should be sent imperatively in English to Mr Yann Brice (Executive Officer of CIDEF-CIPC-CICAR-ATM Avicole) by email at [email protected] and [email protected]. It should include:

– A dated and signed motivation letter accepting the conditions of the competition, as described in the call for proposals.
– The presentation of the agency and its internal organization.
– The name and experience level of the team in charge of the project.
– Justification of knowledge of European markets, and in particular the markets targeted by the programme.
– The presentation of local offices/relay structures who could play a role in the project for all countries concerned by the programme.

These elements will help the announcers decide how adequate the agency's offer is compared to the needs of the campaign.

The selection will be done by a jury composed of the 4 national poultry associations (CIPC, KRD-IG, BVH, AVIANZA) which are involved in the project.


Selection criteria:
1. Quality and coherence of the proposal (20 points)
2. Quality and relevance of the suggested methodology (20 points)
3. Qualifications of the Evaluation Agency's team (15 points)
4. Agency's experience with EU programs (15 points)
5. Respect of the budget and best value for money (20 points)
6. Financial viability of the agency (10 points)
·       31 January 2024 at 6:00 p.m.: Deadline for sending applications to the tender. (all applications sent after this date will not be considered).
·       15 February by 6:00 p.m.: Notification of the chosen agency and detailed notification to the other agencies of non-selection
After the selection, the Coordinator will sign a bilateral agreement with the selected Evaluation Agency. The contract will stipulate everyone's tasks and responsibilities.

– The list of main references of the past 2 years for similar actions over several countries (evaluation of agricultural sector, collective or institutional communication campaign) and providing the aim, budget and length of services.


The Coordination Team and Mr Yann Brice (Executive Officer of CIDEF-CIPC-CICAR-ATM Avicole) are available to answer any questions candidates might have by email at [email protected] and [email protected]. Each email written in the framework of this Call for Tender shall be in English and mention “EURSPO: Call for Tender – Evaluation Agency” in the email subject.
Date of publication: 12/18/2023.

Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and Food of Spain, invite you to enjoy the best chicken, turkey and quail meat recipes for this fall and succeed in your next family date, couple or give yourself a tribute. 

This E-Book is one more action to promote the consumption of poultry meat that AVIANZA carried out thanks to the support of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Foods from Spain throughout the year. Fill your kitchen with unique aromas and flavors with chicken, turkey and quail.

   AVIANZA, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, welcomes autumn with a proposal of the best recipes to enjoy autumn with poultry meat from Spain. Discover the benefits of chicken, turkey and quail in different preparations, easy to make at home, and enjoy their great versatility and how nutritious and healthy these white meats are.

And don't miss our social networks to get GIFTS.  

Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and Food of Spain, invite you to enjoy the best chicken, turkey and quail meat recipes for this fall and succeed in your next family date, couple or give yourself a tribute.  

This E-Book is one more action to promote the consumption of poultry meat that AVIANZA carried out thanks to the support of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Foods from Spain throughout the year. Fill your kitchen with unique aromas and flavors with chicken, turkey and quail.

AVIANZA, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, welcomes autumn with a proposal of the best recipes to enjoy autumn with poultry meat from Spain. Discover the benefits of chicken, turkey and quail in different preparations, easy to make at home, and enjoy their great versatility and how nutritious and healthy these white meats are.

And don't miss our social networks to get GIFTS.  


  • The Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat has organized a turkey carving workshop together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food of Spain
  • Chef Fernando Canales was in charge of discovering all the secrets of turkey, the star product of Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays in general, at the San Mamés Jatetxea restaurant.
  • This event brought together numerous personalities from the business and institutional sector, as well as journalists and influencers from Bilbao.
  • Roast turkey is a dish that has become a symbol of Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities in many cultures around the world.

Madrid, November 17, 2023.- Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and Food of Spain, wanted to bring the traditional celebration of Thanksgiving to Bilbao, where the turkey is the main protagonist. To do this, they have had chef Fernando Canales to carry out an informative workshop on the preparation of a roast turkey at the San Mamés Jatetxea restaurant (C/ Rafael Moreno Pitxitxi. San Mamés Stadium)

During this gastronomic showcooking – which was attended by more than fifty guests including personalities from the political, business (through the Women Lab Bilbao network) and Bilbao social spheres, as well as journalists and influencers – the chef showed various preparation techniques such as preparation, type of cooking and oven temperatures. He also gave the keys to the carving and plating technique, as well as the best culinary combinations. 

This event joins the numerous actions to promote the consumption of poultry meat that AVIANZA carries out thanks to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food throughout the year. On this occasion, the objective of this workshop was to highlight the benefits of turkey meat, one of the most interesting meats on the market.

Turkey, a versatile product and symbol of celebration

Turkey is an essential element in holiday recipes because of its history, versatility, flavor, and its ability to bring people together around a festive meal. It is a dish that has become a symbol of festivities in many cultures around the world.

In the case of Thanksgiving, one of the most important holidays in the United States that is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, it is the star dish and is usually served stuffed and accompanied by cranberry sauce. Likewise, stuffed turkey is one of the most common recipes for the Christmas holidays.

The AVIANZ team, Marta Lafarque, Jordi Montfort and Arán Zaldivar, together with chef Fernando Canales and his team at the Thanksgiving dinner.
Fernando Canales teaching the showcooking workshop at the San Mames Jatetxea restaurant.
Thanksgiving Turkey.
Thanksgiving dinner after the tasting.

  • The Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat has organized, once again, a turkey carving workshop together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain 
  • Chef Javier Muñoz-Calero was in charge of discovering all the secrets of turkey, the star product of Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays in general.
  • The event at the Ovillo restaurant brought together numerous personalities from the Spanish agri-food sector, as well as journalists and influencers related to food, gastronomy and lifestyle, around this bird. 
  • Roast turkey is a dish that has become a symbol of Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities in many cultures around the world. 

Madrid, November 15, 2023.- Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and Food of Spain, have joined again, for the second consecutive year, in the traditional celebration of Thanksgiving Day, where The turkey is the main protagonist. For this, they have counted on the chef Javier Muñoz-Calero, to carry out an informative workshop on the preparation of a roast turkey at the Ovillo restaurant in Madrid (C/ de Pantoja, 8).  

During this gastronomic showcooking, attended by more than fifty guests including personalities from the Spanish agri-food sector, journalists and gastronomic, food and lifestyle influencers, the chef showed various preparation techniques such as preparation, the type of cooking and the temperatures of the oven. He also gave the keys to the carving and plating technique, as well as the best culinary combinations. 

This event joins the numerous actions to promote the consumption of poultry meat that AVIANZA carries out thanks to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food throughout the year. On this occasion, the objective of this workshop was to highlight the benefits of turkey meat, one of the most interesting meats on the market.

Turkey, a versatile product and symbol of celebration 

Turkey is an essential element in holiday recipes because of its history, versatility, flavor, and its ability to bring people together around a festive meal. It is a dish that has become a symbol of festivities in many cultures around the world. 

In the case of Thanksgiving, one of the most important holidays in the United States that is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, it is the star dish and is usually served stuffed and accompanied by cranberry sauce. Likewise, stuffed turkey is one of the most common recipes for the Christmas holidays. 

The Poultry Interprofessional wants to promote the consumption of birds among the population that uses social networks

  • With the help of the popular radio and television presenter and with the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain, AVIANZA has launched a campaign on Instagram composed of dissemination actions, including a draw for poultry recipes among users.
  • For several weeks, Tony Aguilar has been giving away 40 signed coolers to users who have participated by commenting on which chicken, turkey or quail recipe is their favorite.
  • This action with Tony Aguilar is part of the interprofessional project on social networks, which includes collaborations with influencers Chef Bosquet, Cristina Ferrer, Clara P. Villalón among others.
  • The influencers are sharing their favorite poultry recipes on their social media profiles, which will be compiled in a free ebook, which will be available on the website.

Madrid, November 13, 2023.- AVIANZA, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain, are carrying out an action to promote the consumption of poultry in Spain on social networks. To do this, they have joined forces with the renowned radio and television presenter, Tony Aguilar, who is carrying out an action to disseminate the benefits of poultry meat on his Instagram profile.

The presenter is reminding his audience that Spanish birds are a healthy, versatile and nutritious product and, furthermore, the perfect ally for the consumer in a complicated economic context because they give the peace of mind of knowing that, in an affordable way, they are being fed. in a healthy and balanced way.

To complete this action, Tony Aguilar is holding a raffle among Instagram users. To participate, those interested must follow the instructions set out in the raffle publication and indicate their favorite chicken, turkey or quail recipe and tag the person with whom they would share it. During these weeks Tony Aguilar is raffling off 40 portable coolers signed by him among the participants.

Fall campaign with influencers

This action with Tony Aguilar is the starting point for a social media campaign that AVIANZA is developing this fall with the aim of promoting the wide variety of dishes and recipes that can be made with this season's products.

To achieve this, the interprofessional is collaborating with influencers such as Chef Bosquet, Cristina Ferrer, Clara P. Villalón, among others. They are sharing their favorite poultry recipes on their social media profiles. Recipes that will be compiled in a free ebook, which will be available on the website.

With these actions and thanks to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain, AVIANZA continues immersed in its campaign to promote the consumption of poultry meat in Spain, as well as to disseminate the benefits of this white meat with origin Spain, among which its great nutritional value, its quality and the safety of its production stand out. Spain is one of the main producers of poultry meat in Europe, where more than 750 million birds of Spanish origin are consumed each year. 

AVIANZA defends the interests of the Spanish poultry sector both in Spain and in the international market and represents more than 90% of companies linked to the poultry sector, both in chicken, turkey and quail meat. In total there are more than 5,000 farms and production centers, 281 cutting and processing rooms, which provide direct employment to more than 40,000 professionals.

Presenter Tony Aguilar at the Avianza headquarters at the beginning of the draw on social networks.
  • The Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat has carried out a workshop in Madrid's Mercado de la Paz, with the chef and nutritionist Marta Verona, where recipes for use with chicken, turkey and quail and local products have been the protagonists. 
  • The journalists and food bloggers in attendance were able to delve into how to take advantage of each part of the birds and learn recipes so as not to waste even a bit of this versatile, healthy and economical meat.
  • This workshop has had the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain with the aim of continuing to promote the consumption of Spanish poultry meat among consumers.
  • According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), it is estimated that approximately one third of all food produced in the world is wasted

Madrid, October 20, 2023.- AVIANZA, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain, have carried out a cooking workshop using birds from Spain in Madrid's Mercado de la Paz with the renowned chef and nutritionist Marta Verona as master of ceremonies.

These institutions have wanted to delve deeper into food use given, on the one hand, the complicated economic and social context that the majority of Spanish society is going through and, on the other, the versatility and price of Spanish poultry meat. This meat meets all the requirements to become the star product in the shopping cart in difficult times.

To do this, AVIANZA called on journalists and bloggers specialized in gastronomy and food to show them firsthand the benefits of chicken, turkey and quail as healthy and useful foods.

During the workshop, Marta Verona shared with attendees the best options for cooking the different parts of poultry, their different uses taking into account healthier alternatives, as well as different recipes where the use and reuse of poultry meat took priority. For this workshop, the best local products provided by the same stalls at the La Paz Market were used.

The use recipes made by Marta Verona were: Guacamole toast and homemade turkey cold cuts; Vegetable chicken tacos in red wine and pineapple and quail skewers with vinaigrette sauce, dishes that AVIANZA will share on its website and social networks after this event with the aim of offering useful and quality information to consumers. 

“In this particular workshop we wanted to focus on food use because, unfortunately, we believe that it is the most appropriate given the economic-social context in which we find ourselves, in which we can almost speak of survival cuisine,” said Jordi. Montfort, general secretary of AVIANZA, and added that "in these cases, Spanish birds are an ally for the consumer and give families peace of mind knowing that, for little money, they are getting a healthy and balanced diet with the best animal protein.”

Food waste, a growing problem

With this action AVIANZA wanted to join the fight against the serious problem of food waste. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), it is estimated that approximately one-third of all food produced in the world is wasted, equivalent to around 1.3 billion tons of food annually. This translates into a high economic cost since, globally, the value of wasted food exceeds $1 trillion a year.

Once again, this showcooking workshop had the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain, which continues to develop together with the interprofessional actions to promote poultry consumption in our country. Spain is one of the main producers of poultry meat in Europe, where more than 750 million birds of Spanish origin are consumed each year. AVIANZA defends the interests of the Spanish poultry sector both in Spain and in the international market and represents more than 90% of companies linked to the poultry sector, both in chicken, turkey and quail meat. In total there are more than 5,000 farms and production centers, 281 cutting and processing rooms, which provide direct employment to more than 40,000 professionals.

Marta Verona teaching the AVIANZA showcooking workshop with the collaboration of MAPA and Foods of Spain.
Jordi Montfort, general secretary of AVIANZA, welcoming the attendees.
Attendees at the Spanish Poultry meat utilization event.
Marta Lafarque, responsible for Internationalization of AVIANZA, chef Marta Verona and Jordi Montfort, general secretary of AVIANZA.

Marta Verona with the turkey cold cuts recipe.

We close our visit to #Dubai with the gastronomic chronicle of a day where the #meatbirdspanish has been the protagonist thanks to the support of ICEX, to the Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in Dubai already #SOPEXA.

The objective of this evening has been none other than to highlight the quality of the #avesdeespaña and, therefore, the strength of #poultry sector Spanish to representatives of the main food and gastronomy companies and organizations in Dubai.

He #chicken, he #turkey and the #quail Spanish are synonymous with quality, excellence, and versatility, in addition to being a healthy and light meat. The attendees, both at the food in the restaurant #Amazonian like dinner #SsaleroDubai, whose theme was “Tapas Night”, they were able to see it first-hand.

With this action from #Avianza We continue to bet on a market as demanding and promising as that of #EmiratesUnited Arabs. The bell #PoultryFromSpain It is progressing satisfactorily and fulfilling the objective of positioning birds from Spain as synonymous with quality among the Emirati gastronomic sector.

Thanks to the team of Oblanca GroupCOREN and URGASA GROUP who have accompanied us in this action.

Also, thank you for your assistance to Andres Salinero Barbolla, Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Spanish Embassy in Dubai Carmen Olvera García, International Trade and Investment Advisor at the Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in Dubai


One of the most appealing plans for summer continues to be the barbecue. It becomes an excellent option to spend a summer evening with friends and family around an outdoor table.

However, some believe that barbecues, although delicious, are not very innovative: the same old meat with the same old flavor.

For this reason, AVIANZA, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, has joined forces with Alfonso Castellano, chef of the prestigious Seeds restaurant, to carry out some delicious and innovative recipes with grilled poultry meat. During a gastronomic workshop, carried out by AVIANZA and with the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain, the chef prepared four recipes with chicken, turkey and quail as protagonists

Alfonso Castellano's recipes:


For the marinade:

  • 2 roast chicken 1k each
  • ground juniper 50g
  • Chamomile 10g
  • Lemon juice 300g
  • Gin 100g
  • EVOO 400g
  • Salt 20g
  1. Mix all the marinade ingredients and rub the chicken on all sides inside and outside the piece.
  2. Marinate for 12 hours                                                                       

For the roast:

  1. Remove the chicken from the marinade and let it cool for 2 hours before roasting.
  2. Prepare the coals over medium heat
  3. Place the chickens on the spit and place 30cm from the embers, cook for 45min.
  4. For the first 15 minutes, it will be placed on the side of the chicken's back.
  5. The next 10 minutes on one side of the chicken and the next 10 minutes on the other side.
  6. For the last 10 minutes we will place the chicken on the breast side.
  7. We will separate the spit from the fire 50cm and we can keep it that way for 10 more minutes if necessary, rotating it constantly.


For the brine:

  • 2l water
  • 150g salt
  • Brown sugar 150g
  • Nail 5 unit
  • Black peppercorns 5g
  • Coriander seeds 3g
  • Laurel 2 unit
  • 1 whole turkey breast
  1. In a large pot, distribute the sugar on the bottom and heat until caramelized. Cut the caramelization with the water and add the rest of the ingredients, bring to a boil and remove from the heat. Cover and let cool. 
  2. Place the breast in the cold brine for 12 hours.
  3. Remove dry and bridle                                                                       

For cooking:

  • On the day of the grill, at a medium heat, we will brown the breast directly from the cold without tempering it. Spread olive oil.
  • Mark the meat on all sides, and then hang 50cm from the heat of the embers, so that it smokes and the indirect heat affects the interior up to a temperature of 65ºC.
  • We can taste it at that moment or cool it and eat it like turkey cold cuts.


For the brine:

  • 2l water
  • 150g salt
  • Brown sugar 150g
  • Nail 5 unit
  • Black peppercorns 5g
  • Coriander seeds 3g
  • Laurel 2 unit
  1. In a large pot, distribute the sugar on the bottom and heat until caramelized. Cut the caramelization with the water and add the rest of the ingredients, bring to a boil and remove from the heat.
  2. Cover and let cool.
  3. Introduce the turkey stilt for 12 hours.

For cooking:

  • Olive oil 500g
  • Poultry broth 500g
  • La vera paprika 20g
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Laurel 1 leaf
  • Nail 2 pc
  • Onion 1 unit
  • 1 whole turkey breast
  1. In a pot sized to fit the turkey thigh, add all the ingredients until completely covered.
  2. Place baking paper on top as a lid and cook over very low heat for 2 hours.
  3. Once tender, let it cool in the pot itself.
  4. On the day of the grill we will hang on a stilt (thigh and thigh together) about 40/50cm from the fire and let the smoke from the wood give it, but the heat indirectly just to temper it.


For the filling:

  • 4 quail
  • Fresh foie 200g
  • Minced chicken meat 200g
  • Egg 1pc
  • Cream 50g
  • Breadcrumbs 100g
  • Salt
  • Pepper           
  1. Chop the foie as well as the chicken meat, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. We can debone the partridges or ask for it from the pollero, although the recipe can perfectly be made without deboning.
  3. Stuff the quails with the filling and seal so they keep their shape.                                                                          

For the marinade:

  • Odorous old wine 750ml
  • Brandy 250ml
  • fresh thyme
  • Parsley
  • Nail 5g
  • Cumin grain 5g
  • Coriander grain 5g
  • Pepper grain 5g
  1. Put the quails in the marinade for a minimum of 12 hours.
  2. Wrap each quail in vine leaves and bridle
  3. On the day of the grill, over a low heat, we will brown the quail directly from the cold without tempering it.
  4. We will brown the quail on all sides until the vine leaf dries and ends up falling off.
  5. At that moment we can remove it from the heat, clean any burnt leaf remains and serve.

Celebrating a comfort food classic

He Chicken is one of the most consumed foods in Spain and there is a very popular, simple and tasty recipe that even has its own world day: fried chicken!

He fried chicken It is one of the recipes that you have made the most times. Now with this free ebook that you can download completely free, you will give a new twist to a recipe that the whole family likes. 

You will find, hand in hand with cookpad, some simple and fun preparations that have chicken as the protagonist and that will encourage you to cook it again and again. 

In this ebook you will find recipes from well-known people such as Rrecipes to be happy, The Blondie Kitchen, Gema Recetas and Mamá Qué Comemos.

Don't miss out on them and download now: “#TheFriedChickenChallenge: recipes, tricks and much more”.