
Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, invites you to enjoy the best grilled chicken, turkey and quail meat to celebrate summer and succeed at your next barbecue  

AVIANZA, the Spanish Interprofessional Poultry Meat Association, welcomes summer with a workshop to discover the secrets of the tastiest barbecues with Spanish poultry meats. Discover the benefits of grilled chicken, turkey and quail, and enjoy their great versatility and how nutritious and healthy these white meats are.

And don't miss the highlights of the workshop given by chef Alfonso Castellanos in the restaurant's gardens on social networks. Seeds, from the vocational training school, MOM Culinary Institute, organized once again with the collaboration of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and of Food from Spain, with the aim of continuing to promote the consumption of birds from Spain. 

  • The interprofessional will open the doors of its ephemeral restaurant again with the renowned chef Fabián León at the helm of a special event that will revolve around poultry 
  • The Efímero Avianza restaurant will take place on Wednesday, April 19 at 2:30 p.m. at the Food of Spain stand) and will host numerous journalists, influencers, associates and institutional representatives 
  • In this edition, the interprofessional aims to promote the KM0 concept, promoting local and sustainable consumption and production 

Madrid, April 14, 2023.- On April 19, the Efímero Avianza Restaurant will reopen its doors as part of the 36th Gourmets Show. This year, the event developed by Avianza, the Spanish interprofessional poultry meat association, will revolve around the KMO and will be hosted by television chef Fabián León.  

Next Wednesday and thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and Food of Spain, the interprofessional will receive numerous journalists, influencers, associates and institutional representatives at the Food of Spain stand, who will be able to enjoy a gastronomic event with a very special master of ceremonies: chef Fabián León, known mainly for his time on the Masterchef television competition. 

Attendees will learn in a very entertaining way the benefits of each of the poultry meats and, all of this, promoting the consumption of products produced by local farmers in local companies, combining proximity, sustainability and economy.

The Avianza event will take place on Wednesday, April 19 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at stand 8A01 at IFEMA. 

Efímero Avianza Restaurant in the 2022 edition.
  • The interprofessional will have a stand at this fair that serves as a meeting point for the main national and international players in the meat sector.
  • Avianza will carry out daily show cookings led by the chef of Canal Cocina, Sergio Fernández, where poultry with smoked meats and truffle will be the protagonist 
  • Likewise, the association will participate in a round table on the role of interprofessionals in the face of the challenge of the Halal market at the Meat Attraction Forum, in Hall 4 of IFEMA.

Madrid, March 1, 2023.- For three days, from March 6 to 8, Madrid will become the meeting point for the main national and international players in the meat sector, at the Meat Attraction fair, where Avianza will be present representing the Spanish poultry meat sector. The association will have a stand, EL 4B13, which will offer relevant information about the latest developments in this sector. 

Daily cooking show with the television chef Sergio Fernández 

Among the activities that the Avianza stand will feature, the cooking workshops given by the Canal Cocina chef, Sergio Fernández, stand out, with poultry meat as the protagonist. Likewise, Sergio Fernández will also give a workshop on behalf of Avianza in the Factoria Chef space at Meat Attraction. 

Cooking show by Sergio Fernández at the Avianza stand: 

Monday, March 6: Chicken as the protagonist

  • 12:00 p.m.: cook chicken with smoked meats 
  • 1:00 p.m.: cook chicken with truffle 

Tuesday, March 7: The versatility of the turkey

  • 12:00 p.m.: turkey workshop at the Factory chef space 
  • 1:30 p.m.: cook turkey with truffle 

Wednesday, March 8: the secrets of quail meat 

  • 12:00 p.m.: cook quail with smoked meats 

Likewise, within the activities of Meat Attraction, Avianza will participate on March 8 at 10:30 a.m. in a round table on the role of interprofessionals in the face of the challenge of the Halal market. They will discuss the current situation of this market in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and the opportunities that exist for Spanish meat companies. This colloquium will take place at the Meat Attraction Forum, in pavilion 4 of IFEMA.

Avianza's participation in Meat Attraction has the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain.

Avianza stand at Meat Attraction 2022.

Avianza, MAPA and Foods of Spain organize this action to promote the consumption of poultry meat

  • The renowned chef will give an online masterclass on October 19 at 6:00 p.m. on the versatility of chicken, turkey and quail and will make a live recipe where poultry meat will be the protagonist
  • This Avianza initiative will be carried out through the cooking course platform, Talent Class, and will have free access for all interested parties through the link:
  • Once again, this action to enhance poultry meat has the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain 

Madrid, 1October 4, 2022.- Avianza, the interprofessional poultry meat association, has trusted the renowned chef Aurelio Morales and the online culinary platform, Talent Class, to continue carrying out actions to promote the consumption of poultry meat. On this occasion, it will be Aurelio Morales (chef with a Michelin star for the Cebo restaurant) who will develop the live class “Cooking with Birds” with chicken, turkey and quail meat as the protagonists through the online cooking course portal.

The course will take place next Wednesday, October 19 at 6:00 p.m. and anyone interested can access it through this link:

During the course, Morales will explain the great versatility of birds when it comes to cooking and will make a live recipe specifically designed for one of the poultry meats. The class will be held via Zoom and is part of the extensive Talent Class training offer.

Aurelio Morales is a chef from Madrid who, after being head chef at the Suria de Ramses restaurant, directed the kitchens at Cebo (restaurant at the Urban hotel in Madrid), which earned a Michelin star under his command. This chef is part of the extensive and professional team of teachers on the platform, with such notable names as Carme Ruscalleda, Fran Martínez, Sergi Arola and Martina Puigvert.

Thanks to these collaborations and the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain, Avianza continues immersed in its campaign to promote the consumption of poultry meat in Spain, as well as to disseminate the benefits of this white meat. among which its great nutritional value and quality stand out.




The battle for good flavor and the delicious dishes that are made is very close between the three, despite the fact that they all share virtues and win the battle to be the healthiest of the range of meats on the market. Here we offer you the five reasons why poultry meat will conquer your heart and, of course, the desire to cook it:

  1. Poultry meat is easy to digest and very economic. These meats, especially chicken, in addition to their versatility and nutritional properties, are one of the favorites of the little ones. An added value when cook for the little ones of the house. 
  2. Poultry meats have as their main contribution of nutrients proteins, since it is a good source of essential amino acids, those that our body does not synthesize and that must be consumed to be a healthy diet. A 100 gram serving can have between 110 and 215 calories. It stands out for being a good source of protein and fatty acids monounsaturated.
  3. With the large number of proteins that poultry meat has, it helps in the fight bone loss and provides our body with large amount of phosphorus, an essential mineral that nourishes teeth and bones, as well as the kidneys and liver.
  4. It is precisely because of the high protein levels that they provide a lot of energy. Furthermore, the metabolism burns calories so you can handle a Healthy weight and a good level of activity. Is easy to digest and it is well tolerated by those who suffer from digestive disorders since its connective tissue is easier to disintegrate.
  5. poultry meat Helps muscle growth and development. That is why this meat is highly recommended for the youngest. And furthermore, the ease of digestion of chicken meat is combined with its satiating effect, which helps us not snack between meals.

Therefore, whenever you want to celebrate something, count on poultry to make your dishes and your diet healthy and appetizing.