On “World Poultry Day” (International Poultry Day), the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, AVIANZA, launches a message of vindication of the work of the thousands of professionals in the Spanish poultry sector, in one of the moments most complex in its history, and also with greater opportunities.

May 10, 2021. Our country needs to strengthen its industrial strength more than ever. At a time of maximum tension for our society, with the effects of this pandemic yet to be discerned on people's lives and the economy, It is key to have a strong, innovative business fabric prepared to respond to present and future challenges.. And the Spanish poultry industry is a powerful engine which already generates more than 2.3 billion euros to our GDP, with more than 40,000 direct jobs and a modern structure prepared to compete on equal terms with other countries. In 2020, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, poultry meat production reached 1.7 million tons, but it did so in an unprecedented structural context, which is worth reflecting on.  

And it is that We run the risk of dynamiting robust pillars that have led us to be a powerful poultry industry in Europe, with one of the most professionalized value chains in the Spanish agri-food sector, with important advances in genetics and development of native species, and with strong roots in the regional economy. Without forgetting the support of a body of highly trusted veterinarians and the strong investments in design, development and consolidation of state-of-the-art industrial plants. We are also a gastronomic reference, both as producers of new products and formats and for accompanying our restaurant sector in new culinary proposals that combine the best of Spanish food.

The “green and technological” challenge is part of our culture as a poultry industry, as demonstrated by initiatives such as the framework agreement between several interprofessional organizations to promote the digital and sustainable transformation of our meat industries through funds Next Generation, with a joint investment of more than 3,500 million euros, of which 50% are of private origin.

The Sustainable Development Goals are on our roadmap as companies and as part of a society in which we want a better future.. But true sustainable development involves understanding the reality of the poultry industry, its particularities, and not generate relocation of key industries for Europe, with strong commitments in animal welfare, research or application of strict biosafety measures and protocols for the eradication of antibiotics in food, applied for years. European and Spanish regulations are one of the strictest, something that other markets do not guarantee, and where the SDGs are not a priority either. The challenge is feed billions of citizens responsibly, where a quality and controlled poultry meat generates trust and responds to the need to have a diet rich in nutrients, natural proteins, healthy. It is something we will defend at the United Nations Food Systems Summit later this year.

In this declaration of principles, we also offer a key contribution to the development of the industrial and economic fabric of rural or most depopulated areas. But we do it from the digitalization process that is already a fact in its plants. We are an industry that tackled an ambitious transformation challenge, with the aim of being more competitive, and at the same time more sustainable. It is not only a process that improves our industries, but also our ability to connect with consumers, to become the answer to your needs and new consumer habits.

The poultry industry is not a mere white label producer, but has known how to adapt to new scenarios, break that last mile to reach our customers through ecommerce or a more transparent, more direct, closer relationship. And that is synonymous with maturity and strength, it puts us in an unbeatable position to continue providing value to more and more segments of our industry.

This leads to strengthen our position in international markets, usually not considered a priority in the past, and which today more than ever are an opportunity and a necessity for our companies. Japan, China, the Philippines, the Middle East, Mexico and Europe itself perceive that something is moving in the Spanish poultry industry, and it is time to defend that position more than ever. It generates business for our companies, generates employment, generates wealth, and ultimately consolidates a stronger position as a poultry powerhouse. 

Next May 10 we invite you to a very special day on the occasion of the #WorldPoultryDay (from 12pm to 1pm). We organize a sector meeting 1TP5Poultry industry with 3 great professionals to analyze the keys to our future:

✅ Maria Naranjo Crespo, Director of Food, Gastronomy and Wines of the ICEX.
✅ Carlos Garcés Narro, innovation specialist and professor in the Department of Animal Production and Food Science and Technology at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University.
✅ #AntonioNotary, a doctor specializing in both endocrinology and nutrition and sports medicine. Professor of Sports Nutrition by the Catholic University of Murcia.
✅ And Jordi Montfort, secretary general of #Avianza.

Registration in https://lnkd.in/ggeWz2T

Magazine ARAL (download here) has made a complete report on the market for processed turkey and chicken meat During last year. With the participation of several consulting firms and companies in the sector, this analysis shows how the poultry industry It has adapted to the new consumption habits of society, both those derived from the effects of this pandemic and those that had been registered in the preferences of families.

The biggest challenge in the sector has been in the customization of product offering, supported by the innovation and transformation of production companies, as well as the response to a client who seeks to know the origin of the products they consume as well as their production processes.

As pointed out Jordi Montfort, secretary general of Avianza In an opinion article that is part of this study, our sector has placed special focus on transparently showing the pillars that support our activity, such as Quality in raw materials, Sustainability and the Animal welfare.

In this article, we explain how we are gaining the trust of a consumer who is increasingly looking for the quality seal of our products of national origin, and for which we are carrying out digitalization processes of our value chain to reach them in a more direct and accessible way. And as Jordi Montfort points out, «quality and flavor take precedence over price competition, and this is something that the consumer appreciates, who welcomes the new proposals«.

Article written by Fernando Caballo Arcaya.

The newspaper Agribusiness includes in its latest issue a special dedicated to Animal welfare, in which our interprofessional has participated with an opinion article that includes our main actions in this important commitment of the entire poultry industry. Can access the full content of the special on its website. We reproduce here the entire tribune of Jordi Montfort, secretary general of Avianza.

A responsible, innovative poultry industry committed to animal welfare

The Spanish poultry industry is a international benchmark for innovation capacity, transformation and adaptation to the new challenges posed by consumers and the agri-food value chain itself. Occupying this position has been possible thanks to a constant commitment of investment in all production processes, from genetics, raising birds on our farms, logistics and transportation, processing and manufacturing of products, or final marketing. And all this in addition, generating a important contribution to our economy, as well as the revitalization of business activity in rural areas.

Our farms, production centers and the entire ecosystem of companies in general are increasingly more professionalized, more technical, and even more prepared to address the process of internationalization to even more demanding markets, if possible. And in this evolution, Having an “Animal Welfare Commitment” seal is a priority for everyone. Because a large part of the homework has already been done. We are talking about the ability to transparently show that consumer that, for years, our companies and professionals have complied beyond and beyond with the principles set by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) in terms of animal welfare, as well as the regulations. of the European Union, such as the European Convention for the Protection of Animals on Livestock Farms. They are facts.

Having an “Animal Welfare Commitment” seal is a priority for everyone


For this reason, our interprofessional actively participates in different work committees, both in our sector and with other interprofessionals, to create the common framework that allows us to promote a seal that represents to our consumers the guarantee of poultry production which is governed by the highest standards of animal welfare, as well as ethical criteria. Standards that are applied in areas of biosecurity, food, accommodation and facilities, or animal management.

It is a common responsibility, which is nourished by the improvements proposed by the entire ecosystem of the meat industry, committees of experts involving universities and technology centers, certification entities, operators and the animal protection and defense organizations themselves. Dialogue and respect must be the basis of improvement.

Because in the European Union we have one of the most demanding and advanced regulations in the field of animal welfare, and our companies are guarantors of compliance. When our poultry products compete in international markets, and also the national one, it should be an important competitive advantage, especially given the threat of low-cost poultry meat from markets that are more lax in their production policies. And this is something that we want to highlight in a positive way: Spanish poultry meat is a healthy, safe and quality product.

Our companies and professionals have spent years transforming their facilities into highly advanced complexes, where innovation and digitalization help to control and improve each part of the production process, with a significant investment in traceability. Technologies such as blockchain, or the governance and adoption of data for making better decisions, are part of this transformation process, and their practical application can contribute to giving elderly solidity and transparency to initiatives such as our quality and animal welfare seal.

We have the opportunity to harmonize the certification processes so that the consumer recognizes in a single seal that reality of which we are so proud.


From Avianza We want that when consumers go to their shelves they have the guarantee that purchasing a poultry product produced in Spain is synonymous with all the values that we have mentioned previously. And also the efforts of thousands of anonymous professionals and families who work every day to guarantee that Spanish poultry meat is part of the gastronomic heritage of our country.

In 2021 we address important challenges in the internationalization of our products, focusing on markets such as Japan, Hong Kong, the Middle East or the EU itself, especially with a Premium product, and the ability to communicate more widely, efficiently and transparent the good practices in terms of animal welfare that we have applied in all links of the value chain of the meat industry.

The Sustainability It is one of the pillars on which the development of the current meat industry is based, and its weight will be even greater in the coming years, together with the energy transition wave innovation. To demonstrate the efforts of the European livestock sector in this regard, from Avianza We participate in the initiative promoted by the Platform "European Livestock Voice, which in Spain has its adaptation in We are Livestock.

Part of our efforts are aimed at effectively exposing the keys that can allow an effective strategy to be developed and implemented in Europe. “from farm to table””. A challenge for which several interprofessionals have joined together, within the framework of action of the European Union.

Our last action was the presentation of the video «The 9 paradoxes of farm to table», where we highlight that, despite good intentions, «the farm to fork strategy does not take into consideration the real situation and challenges of the livestock sector«. Our wish is actively participate in the great process of ecological transition underway, but showing through these contents that the answer requires a complete, transparent and close to reality analysis.

These 9 paradoxes reflect the misconceptions and prejudices suffered by the livestock sector, and which refer to issues such as the environment, health or the economy. Our challenge is uncover inaccuracies that often spread without any scientific basis, and provide truthful information on topics such as:
• The nutritional value of meat
• The coherence of land use for livestock activity.
• The environmental sustainability of the European livestock chain
• The economic impact of the sector
• The protection of animal welfare
• The use of fertilizers
• Employment in rural areas
• The gastronomic and cultural heritage of products of animal origin
• The safety and availability of our food products

He The municipal fabric of Spain has played a crucial role in the development of the livestock-meat chain. Their lands have been used to feed and raise animals, their neighbors have worked hard in the process from the farm to the consumers' table, and the municipalities have provided the necessary facilities for these initiatives to prosper. This institutional and citizen work, together with that of companies in the sector, has allowed the livestock-meat chain to be, for several decades, the main economic engine and backbone agent of Rural Spain.

In this sense, in gratitude for the constant support provided, the six interprofessional meat organizations (ASICI, Avianza, Intercun, Interovic, Interporc and Provacuno), have launched the “Municipal livestock-meat network”, a platform that aims to pay tribute to all those municipalities in Spain in which meat has become a hallmark of its own identity. With this gesture, the meat interprofessionals want to return the affection received over the years by all citizens and municipal corporations and value their contribution to the development of the meat sector and the economy in general. 

In addition to paying this tribute, the “Municipal Livestock-Meat Network” was born with the vocation of becoming a dialogue platform between the private and public sectors at the municipal level, so the Network aspires to strengthen alliances with those municipalities with livestock-meat activities that want to contribute to the recognition of the chain as a development lever. The network will be representative of the social, geographical, political and cultural diversity of our country.

How to be part of the Network

Interprofessional organizations are currently in contact with dozens of city councils throughout Spain, with the aim of integrating them, a process that has already begun and will take place in the coming weeks. However, any municipality where the livestock-meat sector is active can be part of the network, through the approval of an institutional declaration by the plenary session of the town councils. Interested municipalities will find all the necessary information on the website redganaderocarnica.es.

Development of rural areas

The “Municipal Livestock-Meat Network” will seek to highlight the symbiotic relationship that exists between this socio-economic sector and the municipalities of the regions in which it operates. It must be taken into account that livestock-meat activity plays a fundamental role in establishing population in many localities, thus reducing the territorial gap in the country and the progressive process of depopulation of rural areas. The great livestock diversity that exists and the conditions of the chain itself, which makes it easier for a large population to settle near farms and businesses, has allowed the areas with a livestock-meat presence to resist the challenge much better, in many cases until reversing the process.

The variety of species and livestock forms also allows us to conserve and take advantage of many of the landscapes of Rural Spain. The mountain areas host a good part of the cattle, the unproductive lands and of high ecological interest are grazed by sheep and goats, the Iberian pig is part of the landscape of the pasture, the rabbit farms are located in nuclei of less than 2,000 inhabitants and the white-coated pig represents one of the sectors with the highest economic profitability in towns with less than 5,000 inhabitants.

The agri-food sector, and the meat subsector in particular, is also an opportunity to develop associated industrial initiatives in these areas where employment is generated and economic activity is diversified. In the case of the meat industry, which is the leading branch of food in Spain, industrial activity is made up of 2,750 companies, among which there are many small and medium-sized ones. These companies are preferably located in rural areas with the same difficulties as the territory on which livestock farming is based.

Opportunity generator

The livestock-meat chain contributed 42,000 million euros to the national GDP in 2019, (15,172.6 million from livestock production and 26,822 million euros from the meat industry), which represents 22.6% of the entire food sector. In 2019, the meat-livestock subsector reached 28.8% of Final Agricultural Production and 77.4% of Final Production generated by the entire animal sector according to the MAPA.

Regarding employment, livestock farms, the meat industry and the entire distribution and sales system generate 672,000 direct jobs. The total is distributed among the half a million people dedicated to livestock farming, the 97,000 workers in the meat industries and the 75,000 people employed in retail trade. In total, it is estimated that about two million people make their living from the livestock-meat chain in our country, including agricultural production for livestock, and the sectors of veterinary professionals, feed, animal health, logistics and transportation, and auxiliary industries.

Regarding exports, the volume in 2019 reached 7,555 million euros, which is equivalent to the entire Spanish wood and cork industry, with a growth of 26% in foreign turnover and 15.1% in volume compared to the figures from the previous year. These figures have a special strategic relevance at a time when international trade is suffering a strong decline and where the livestock-meat chain has emerged as a guarantee to maintain the positive balance of the balance of payments.

Meat trade has a strong countercyclical and resilient component, since in the month of April 2020, in full confinement, while the year-on-year variation rate of our exports for all economic sectors fell by 39.3%, that of meat increased 13% for a value of 635 million euros.

Fountain: Press release Municipal Livestock-Meat Network.

25 professionals representing the Spanish meat industries have participated in this complete report of the meat magazine, where the SWOT of each of the sectors, including the Poultry. Through it, the main Weaknesses and Threats, where the report highlights, among others, the tensions in the market prices, also diminished by the COVID19 crisis, as well as the need to carry out more proactive communication work around the properties of meat products and the commitment of professionals to more sustainable and safe production.

As for the Strengths, the professionals consulted highlight the resilient nature of our industries, as well as our objective of internationalization, relying on the good external image of Spanish products, of high quality and with a production model that is an example for the rest. of markets.

As for Opportunities, it precisely affects the potential that the opening of new markets for our meat would mean for our industries, something that, for example, we have been working on since Avianza with the recent agree with ICEX.

Our general secretary, Jordi Montfort, has analyzed for Meat What are the main components of that SWOT applied to our industry (image attached). The Strengths stand out, where our sector has been making significant investments and solid advances in professionalization and technical improvement of our value chain or innovation as a lever for growth and strengthening of our companies.

In addition, it highlights two of the production pillars of our interprofessional, such as biosafety and the quality of our products as a sign of identity and our values.

You can download the full report from their website.

The meat sector in Spain, including the poultry industry, will promote a 3.5 billion project to accelerate the green and digital economy in our country, within the framework of the funds Next Generation of the European Union.

AVIANZA has joined together with other interprofessional organizations such as Interporc, Asici, Interovic, Provacuno and Intercun to form a working group that represents more than 21 industries. The team is made up of associations and companies, and Manuel García, from Vall Companys.

Two important technological partners also participate in the initiative: Hispasat and Telefónica, whose challenge is to provide infrastructure and technological solutions to accelerate digitalization and innovation in production centers and the rest of the value chain of the Spanish meat industries. Funds Next Generation They are an opportunity to promote your transformation, under the principles of Sustainability, new ways of working, inter-connectivity of different areas of activity, etc.

On the part of the poultry sector, this group has partners from Avianza as Vall Companys Group, Uvesa Group either Coren, among others.

The objective of this project is that 50 % of the financing comes from private funds, while the other 50% is provided by the European “Next Generation” funds, for which they will have to be approved first by the Government, to later pass by the analysis and acceptance of the EU.

These are some of the main commitments collected by this project:

  • In terms of sustainability, The dossier prepared includes the intention to join to the European Green Deal, reduce single-use plastics by 25 % and boost the supply of energy from renewable sources, reaching 70 % in three years.
  • The fight against climate change It also appears in this initiative, since to reduce the carbon footprint it proposes reducing emissions by 15 % for the livestock sector, and by 30 % for the meat industry.
  • In digitalization, both ranchers and the industry propose using “Blockchain” technology, until 50% of exports are reached, 10 % of companies have developed an “online” sales channel and that there is a boost to robotization.
  • The project also reflects actions related to equal opportunities to reach 50 % of female employment in all links of the chain.
  • And also others related to animal welfare, to extend the implementation of the certificate during 2021. Animal Welfare Commitment.

From Avianza We consider this project as a pioneering initiative for our poultry industry, and we trust in the approval of Next Generation funds for its subsequent application over the next three years. Our mission is to contribute to the environmental, economic and social sustainability of our poultry sector, and support our partners at a momentous time to ensure their viability in the face of the serious effects of this pandemic on the economy.

With more than 300 companies associated with FAC, the common objective is to promote knowledge of poultry products and their contribution to a healthy diet among citizens, as well as to promote exports to new markets..

MADRID, January 22, 2021. The Catalan Poultry Federation (FAC) has joined as a new partner of AVIANZA, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, which represents 95% of the poultry industry in our country. The Catalan Poultry Federation is made up of more than 300 associated companies in Catalonia, one of the most powerful markets in the chicken, turkey and other poultry segment.

The objective of the FAC is to reinforce its role as a large producer of poultry meat in our country, as well as to proactively promote new activities and actions that allow increasing the positioning of the Catalan poultry industry, with special focus on the international level, one of the main challenges that AVIANZA faces for 2021.

Both AVIANZA and the Catalan Poultry Federation also make an important commitment to providing information on the properties of national poultry products and the benefits of healthy eating for citizens, as well as knowledge of the wealth of bird species and our restaurant proposals. and gastronomic culture.

For Joan Anton Rafecas, president of the Catalan Poultry Federation, “The incorporation of the FAC into Avianza allows us to further reinforce our role as a representative of one of the most powerful poultry meat markets, as well as take an active part in all the actions and initiatives that allow a better positioning of the Catalan sector both in Spain and in international markets, which represent an important business opportunity for our associates.”

For Jordi Montfort, secretary general of Avianza, “having the Catalan Poultry Federation in AVIANZA is a true privilege and a pleasure, since common values have united us for decades, and it allows us to join forces to face important challenges in the future.” To which he adds: “With the entry of FAC into our interprofessional organization, we further reinforce the image of unity as an industry before the institutions and the entire production and distribution chain, with the aim of addressing both the defense of the interests of thousands of companies and professionals, as well as advancing in the modernization and transformation of our sector, without forgetting internationalization as a driver of activity for our companies and products in international markets.”

With Netpoulsafe the development of the European project begins “Networking European poultry actors for enhancing the compliance of biosecurity measures for a sustainable production" in which CECAV will participate as leader of one of the 6 WPs, with the French ITAVI being the coordinator.

This is an ambitious project in which 14 entities from seven of the main European poultry production countries participate, through seven other large international networks, in which they seek to share initiatives and provide solutions to improve the BIOSECURITY of European poultry farms.

The improvement of biosecurity practices will be based on support measures in the field, taking into account the technical and socioeconomic point of view, as well as practices that contribute to the effective application of biosecurity and that can be applied directly by livestock farmers, veterinarians and administration.

This project will be funded by the EU Research and Innovation Program Horizon 2020 under Grant Agreement No. 101000728, and has an overall budget of approximately €2 million. It will take place for 3 years, between October 2020 and September 2023.

From AVIANZA We want to support all possible initiatives to improve and consolidate the activity of the poultry sector, so with NETPOULSAFE We focus on one of the main priorities, offering maximum confidence to our consumers and providing the industry with a tool to respond to different challenges.