Tribune of Antonio Sánchez, President of Propollo, for the 20th Anniversary Special of AgroNegocios magazine.

20 years ago, when he was born AgroBusiness, many of us face “new challenges for new times” under the headlines of the passing of a century and a millennium. And although some of us are part of a generation that has lived through several transitions, from politics to economics, we had to address a new transition focused on technology and globalization.

Today, everything we had learned, all the challenges we had been overcoming, have become the essential tools to face a new scenario that we have to redraw together due to this crisis. And I want to do it optimistically, but also critically.

I have the honor of representing the poultry sector, which has been an example of this journey of resilience over the years, and which has always responded with responsibility, talent and innovation.

During the toughest moments of the pandemic, many spotlights were pointed at us, aware of our role as an industry supplier of such an essential product in the citizens' basket.


Millions of birds reached consumers in March thanks to the efforts of thousands of families throughout Spain, who They deserve special recognition, united by an impressive feeling of solidarity.

Today our sector represents an industry recognized for the quality of its products, for the ability of its facilities to adapt to the demanding national and international health regulations, for a logistics network that allows more than 1,600,000 tons of chicken, turkey and other meat to be placed birds anywhere in the national geography.

Our professionals have supported part of this necessary transformation in training, digitalization and the new, more collaborative work formalities. Today we are also a more diverse industry, committed to the environment and energy efficiency, and which proudly displays its policies on animal welfare.


But we face this crisis with some not so positive aspects, although it is up to us to provide the answers. The first point is the correlation between our consideration as an essential activity and economic engine with the support we receive. European and national public administrations have repeatedly postponed solutions for a sector that represents 23% of meat consumption in this country, with a wealth generation of more than 2.3 billion euros annually, and for which The fall of the Horeca and tourism sector can mean losses of more than 600 million euros. And we are alone again, without any help or support.

The second point is found in our ability to export. The quality seal of Spanish chicken will allow us to open new markets, but we are doing so at one of the worst times, with pressure in the form of low-cost prices from countries protected by agreements that are currently out of context. The cohesion and responsibility of the entire distribution and restaurant chain is more necessary than ever to respond not only to the sector, but also to consumers, with what they expect from us: product and service.

But let's get back to the essence of this article: hope. In times like this we make our commitment available to society. We open new spaces to share experiences around a product that is so social and linked to our emotions.

Eating chicken has been linked to our confinement and also to de-escalation. It will be in our backpacks when we resume walks with our children in the countryside, at dinners during a summer as strange as this one, or at the family celebration that we return to after a long time, with a good chicken on the table.

It is linked to our Mediterranean diet, versatile, genuine and at the same time exquisite to be an icon of our most prestigious chefs. Therefore, in addition to congratulating AgroNegocios for this 20th anniversary, I join in a greater celebration. Confidence in facing a new decade in a new normal.

It is part of our daily diet and can be the solution to a quick dinner or a very elaborate delicatessen. It is suitable for everything and supports all types of preparations.