
The battle for good flavor and the delicious dishes that are made is very close between the three, despite the fact that they all share virtues and win the battle to be the healthiest of the range of meats on the market. Here we offer you the five reasons why poultry meat will conquer your heart and, of course, the desire to cook it:

  1. Poultry meat is easy to digest and very economic. These meats, especially chicken, in addition to their versatility and nutritional properties, are one of the favorites of the little ones. An added value when cook for the little ones of the house. 
  2. Poultry meats have as their main contribution of nutrients proteins, since it is a good source of essential amino acids, those that our body does not synthesize and that must be consumed to be a healthy diet. A 100 gram serving can have between 110 and 215 calories. It stands out for being a good source of protein and fatty acids monounsaturated.
  3. With the large number of proteins that poultry meat has, it helps in the fight bone loss and provides our body with large amount of phosphorus, an essential mineral that nourishes teeth and bones, as well as the kidneys and liver.
  4. It is precisely because of the high protein levels that they provide a lot of energy. Furthermore, the metabolism burns calories so you can handle a Healthy weight and a good level of activity. Is easy to digest and it is well tolerated by those who suffer from digestive disorders since its connective tissue is easier to disintegrate.
  5. poultry meat Helps muscle growth and development. That is why this meat is highly recommended for the youngest. And furthermore, the ease of digestion of chicken meat is combined with its satiating effect, which helps us not snack between meals.

Therefore, whenever you want to celebrate something, count on poultry to make your dishes and your diet healthy and appetizing.