Entries by Avianza


Josep Solé, elected new president of Avianza

The Board of Directors of Avianza unanimously approved the appointment to replace Antonio Sánchez, president of the institution since 2019. The position of vice president falls to Jordi Salvador (APPE) and that of treasurer to Pelayo Hidalgo (AMACO) and Jordi Montfort will continue as secretary general of the interprofessional The Spanish Interprofessional Association of Meat […]

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Avianza promotes sustainable European poultry meat among Spanish university students

INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE EUROPEAN POULTRY MEAT The conference aims to raise awareness about the European poultry sector and its work for the development and promotion of more sustainable production methods. This program to promote the European sustainable poultry sector, co-financed by the European Commission, has carried out two seminars in the […]


Why you should include turkey in your Christmas menus

El pavo es una es una de las carnes blancas más versátiles que existen por su excelente combinación de salud y sabor. Además de ser una carne con una gran relación calidad precio, permite hacer platos con los que lucirse en las celebraciones navideñas. El chef Damián González, chef ejecutivo del restaurante Dos Cielos, y […]


The “Birds with Trumpet Ragout” challenge of Avianza and Talent Class already has its three winners

Avianza y la plataforma de cocina online, Talent Class, han dado por finalizado El reto “Aves con Ragout de trompeta” anunciando los tres ganadores del mismo, que han recaído en los participantes Víctor Fabián, Esther Abad y Loreto García.   Todos los participantes tenían el desafío de elaborar la receta original del chef Aurelio Morales […]

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Avianza shows the benefits and possibilities of turkey meat in a workshop on the occasion of Thanksgiving

With the help of the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Damián González, executive chef of the Torres Brothers, discovered all the secrets of the star dish of Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays in general : the turkey During the workshop and subsequent dinner, held in […]