The initiative is promoted by the interprofessional organizations ASICI, AVIANZA, INTERCUN, INTEROVIC, INTERPORC and PROVACUNO, in collaboration with the FEMP

The Secretary General for the Demographic Challenge, Francesc Xavier Boya, and the Secretary General of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, Carlos Daniel Casares, participated in the municipal dialogue meeting, along with around twenty mayors and councilors of municipalities adhering to the Grid

January 25, 2023.  The Municipal Livestock-Meat Network held the first meeting of mayors and councilors of its member municipalities in Madrid, attended by around twenty officials from municipalities such as Alcarràs (Lleida), Alerre and Binéfar (Huesca), Cabezuela and Cantimpalos ( Segovia), El Viso (Córdoba), Lleida, Tarancón (Cuenca) or Totana (Murcia).

Raúl Muñiz, president of INTEROVIC, and Mª Luz de Santos, Director of INTERCUN, intervened on behalf of the six interprofessional organizations to welcome the municipal officials, and the Secretary General for the Challenge also participated in the dialogue meeting. Demographer of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Francesc Xavier Boya, who has highlighted the role of the industry in rural municipalities such as “strategic to structure the rural environment and a great ally for the depopulation process in territories of our country”; and the Secretary General of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), Carlos Daniel Casares, who has conveyed the organization's commitment supported by the collaboration agreement signed in June 2021, highlighting the interest of the initiatives promoted by the network as “vital element to confront the growing trend of depopulation in Spain.” 

At the meeting, the lines of work for 2023 were presented and the Constitutive Declaration of the Network, which includes in ten points its founding objectives to develop this initiative as the best instrument to defend and promote the shared interests between the livestock-meat chain and the local entities in which its activities are based.

The Municipal Livestock-Meat Network was born with the impetus of the six interprofessional organizations ASICI, AVIANZA, INTERCUN, INTEROVIC, INTERPORC and PROVACUNO, in collaboration with the FEMP, with the purpose of recognizing the important support of the municipalities in the development of the activity of the chain, and become a platform for dialogue and a space for collaboration between municipalities and the sector, to face common challenges.

The Network already has twenty-five municipalities throughout Spain (Galicia, Cantabria, Aragon, Catalonia, Castilla-La Mancha, Murcia, Extremadura, Castilla y León), and another twenty in the process of joining, seeking synergies to promote the conditions that have allowed the livestock-meat value chain to be one of the most important economic and social drivers of the country for some time and to act as one of the largest backbone agents of rural Spain, especially in those smaller municipalities, thus contributing to combat the growing depopulation in them.

The importance of the livestock-meat chain in the Spanish economy

The positive impact of the livestock-meat chain is also significant at the national level, where it contributes nearly 48,000 million euros to the national GDP and generates 672,000 direct jobs. In addition, the activity mobilizes two million associated jobs that fall into a varied selection of activities such as agricultural production aimed at feeding livestock and professionals in the veterinary, feed, animal health, logistics and transportation, and auxiliary industries sectors.

Livestock activity is carried out on more than 350,000 farms throughout the country, which contribute 16.5 billion euros to Final Agricultural Production, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. In addition, the Spanish meat industry put a total of 7.7 million tons of meat and 1.5 million tons of processed meats on the markets in 2021, worth 31,727 million euros. This production has ensured Spain's food sovereignty with regard to meat and has also allowed 3.46 million tons of meat and various processed products to be exported to markets around the world. These transactions have reached a value of 9,107 million euros, with a growth of 5% in foreign turnover and volume compared to the previous year's figures. These figures have a special strategic relevance at a time when international trade is suffering a strong decline and where the livestock-meat chain has emerged as a guarantee to maintain the positive balance of the balance of payments.

How to be part of the Network

Municipalities that wish to be part of the Municipal Livestock-Meat Network must approve an institutional declaration in favor of the meat-livestock chain and accompany this decision with a communicative action. All the necessary information about the process, the purposes of the Municipal Network and the contact form are available in the platform website.

The Municipal Network for the livestock-meat chain intends to be a reflection of the great diversity that exists in Spain. For this reason, it intends that in the medium term among its members there will be towns from all geographical areas of the country and that they will be governed by political forces of all stripes. The initiative also takes care of demographic representativeness with the participation of municipalities of all sizes, including those with less than 5,000 inhabitants, where the positive impact of the activity is even more notable.

More information:

José Manuel Alvarez – Municipal Livestock-Meat Network

646 65 28 46 –


  • The conference aims to raise awareness about the European poultry sector and its work to develop and promote more sustainable production methods.
  • This program promotion of the European sustainable poultry sector, co-financed by the European Commission, has carried out two seminars at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and in the Polytechnic University of Madrid and plans to organize three more events at universities during 2023

Madrid, January 10, 2023. The promotion of sustainable European poultry meat is spreading across the most prestigious faculties in Spain, where students of veterinary medicine, agri-food engineering and food sciences and nutrition are participating in seminars specially designed for them.

With the help of the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat (AVIANZA) and with the co-financing of the European Commission, they have already been carried out two seminars at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and in the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Both events were held in order to raise awareness about the European poultry sector and its work to develop and promote more sustainable production methods among students in fields related to agri-food and future professionals in the sector.

The seminar at the UAB took place last November at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, while at the Polytechnic University of Madrid it took place in December at the Higher Technical School of Agronomic, Food and Biosystems Engineering. 

The two events hosted a total of more than 300 students from different university careers including veterinary science, agri-food engineering and other studies with a professional future in the European poultry sector.

The speakers at these seminars have been Carlos Garcés, President of the Spanish Association of Poultry Science and vice president of the European Federation of the World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA) and Magaly González, expert Sustainability, circular economy and agri-food consultant. Both speakers have developed a dialogue about the European poultry sector, its involvement with the three pillars of sustainability and the added value of his professional experience in the teaching, research and dissemination fields.

The program plans to organize three more events in some of the most important universities in Spain during 2023.

Program to promote the European sustainable poultry sector

SUSTAINABLE EUROPEAN POULTRY MEAT is a promotional campaign that will last two years and is supported by the European Commission. It has been launched by three national poultry associations (from Germany, France and Spain) and their framework association, with the main objective of raising awareness among European consumers about the sustainability of the European poultry sector and the high quality of its product.

The speakers Magaly González (left) and Carlos Garcés together with the professor of the UAB veterinary faculty, Ana Cristina Barroeta.

Students attending the UAB event in Barcelona.
  • ANDThe common seal “B+ ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITMENT” includes in a unified image all the meats and products certified by the different certification systems implemented in a coordinated manner by each sector.
  • The Spanish sector thus responds to consumer demands regarding ethical production that is respectful of animal welfare and contributes to ensuring that distribution has certified products on its shelves identified with a single seal that guarantees the best practices in this field. ambit

December 14, 2022. The Spanish livestock-meat sector represented by its six Interprofessional Organizations has presented the common seal «B+ ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITMENT», which includes in a unified image all the meats and products certified by the different certification systems implemented in a coordinated manner by each sector.

This is another pioneering initiative that reflects the commitment of the Spanish livestock sector to compliance with the highest standards of livestock welfare and to consolidate Spain as one of the great international references in animal welfare, highlighting the efforts carried out by the sector, with the ultimate objective of responding to the demands of society and offering:

  • To consumers: guarantee and confidence in the acquisition of their certified products, produced through ethical production systems based on the support of the science of production and animal welfare.
  • To commercial distribution and specialized distribution operators: a certification system that encompasses requirements based on scientific and technical criteria that are more demanding than those required by European and national regulations.

The common seal «B+ ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITMENT» strictly guarantees the products of operators that have been certified through the Technical Procedures and Regulations of the respective "Animal Welfare Commitment" certification schemes, developed by the six Interprofessionals based on the criteria and elements established by ENAC (the National Entity of Accreditation), to obtain your accreditable certification recognition. «B+ ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITMENT» and the respective certification schemes that support it are in a continuous process of verification and improvement, with the objective of recognition and accreditation by ENAC.

The common seal «B+ ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITMENT» was created to facilitate consumers' identification, through a single seal, of all products certified with these certification schemes in the white pork, Iberian pork, rabbit meat, sheep-goat, beef and veal sectors. poultry meat, and to offer distribution companies and specialized distribution greater ease in managing their animal welfare requirements for their suppliers and customers.

The certification system of the six Interprofessionals that now culminates with the common seal «B+ ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITMENT» It complies with the "Five Freedoms" and the principles of Animal Welfare established by the World Organization for Animal Health (WHO). The best Spanish technical and academic specialists in this matter have participated in its development, and it has been endorsed by high-level Scientific Committees, resulting in a certification system that encompasses requirements based on scientific and technical criteria that are more demanding than those required in the European and national regulations.

The certificate developed by each interprofessional, provides recognition, solidity and breadth and allows its adaptation to each livestock production, endorsing the good practices carried out in the areas of well-being, health, biosafety, animal management and traceability in all links. of the production chain, and is responsibly aligned with the “Farm to Fork” strategy and the Green Deal of the European Union, and therefore is also committed to sustainability, quality and food safety.

Behind this seal «B+ ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITMENT» There are hundreds of thousands of ranchers and workers in the sector who make an effort every day and fight for a commitment that they have all acquired, in order to transmit with transparency to the consumer and distribution all the criteria of well-being and ethical production that are They apply in the good care of animals and in attention to the demands received from society in this important aspect of food production.

ASICI. The Interprofessional Association of the Iberian Pig brings together producers and processing industries of Iberian products.

AVIANZA. The Spanish Interprofessional Poultry Meat Association brings together both farms and production centers as well as cutting and processing plants.

INTERCUN. The Interprofessional Organization to promote the Rabbit Sector integrates representatives of the production branch and rabbit meat processing-marketing companies.

INTEROVIC. The Interprofessional Organization of Sheep and Goat Meat represents the producers of this livestock branch and the industrialists and marketers who generate and distribute the derived products.

INTERPORC. The Interprofessional Agri-Food Organization of White-Capped Pigs represents all sectors of the white-capped pork value chain: production, processing and marketing.

PROVACUNO. The Interprofessional Agri-Food Organization of Beef is made up of the main organizations of the production sector and the processing/marketing sector.

More information:

Jose Manuel Alvarez

Interprofessional Platform Coordinator


[email protected]

Turkey is one of the most versatile white meats that exist due to its excellent combination of health and flavor. In addition to being a meat with a great quality-price ratio, it allows you to make dishes that will show off at Christmas celebrations.

Chef Damián González, executive chef of the Dos Cielos restaurant, and AVIANZA, Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, detail all the possibilities and benefits of turkey, as well as the best techniques to prepare it and the garnishes that best combine.

The 3 reasons to prepare turkey this Christmas

First of all, it is one of the whitest meats. healthy and tasty. It has a low fat and cholesterol content, but a large presence of proteins of high biological value (essential amino acids necessary for the body) and group B vitamins. All this combined with its great flavor and all the cooking and preparation possibilities. that it offers.

Precisely, that versatility It allows you to shine with any dish made with this meat. Stuffed turkey, for example, is a colorful, tasty and filling dish, which is worthy of any Christmas lunch or dinner.

And, thirdly, it is worth highlighting its great value for money, something very valuable especially in these current moments of instability and economic uncertainty. As Jordi Montfort, general secretary of AVIANZA, explains, “turkey meat adapts to any type of budget, without having to give up flavor or quality. The packaging provided by any dish made with this meat guarantees the enjoyment and delight of all diners.”

The secret of cooking so that the stuffed turkey is perfect

One of the most suitable preparations for the Christmas holidays is, without a doubt, stuffed turkey. For it to become the star dish, in addition to choosing Spanish meat with a European quality seal, it is essential to know the basic cooking and carving techniques, as well as the garnishes that best accompany it.

Turkey for Christmas celebrations.

Cooking keys:

  • Advance notice: Stuffed turkey is a dish that requires time and preparation prior to cooking. It is important to take this into account when planning its preparation.
  • Hydration: You have to hydrate the meat to make it juicy. To do this, the ideal is to make a brine by placing the turkey in a large dish, cover it with a mixture of cold water and salt and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
  • Marinate: The next step is to prepare a mixture with which to marinate the turkey for at least 8 hours. This mixture can be made with a base of wine (preferably white) and orange juice, and add salt, pepper and spices to taste.
  • Fill out: It is the touch that will turn that turkey into a more special dish. Before introducing the filling (which will be to taste) it is recommended to first add melted butter. Likewise, once it is filled, you can spread it with butter on the outside, season with salt and pepper and add the broth in which it has been marinating.
  • Baked: On the oven tray, with the breast facing up and covered with aluminum foil, it is time to cook it. You have to calculate one hour for each kilo of turkey, that is, if it weighs 7 kilos, it will take 7 hours of baking. The recommended temperature is low, between 120 and 140 degrees.

During baking it is important to continue hydrating the turkey, with the juice it releases and with the marinade, as well as turning it over several times so that it is cooked well on all sides.
Once it is ready, it is recommended to let it rest for at least half an hour.

The carving:

  • Necessary tools: a very sharp knife, a board that serves as a carving surface, tongs, very clean hands and some skill.
  • The first thing is to separate the thighs.
  • Next, the breast, separating it from the bone to which it is attached and then filleting.
  • The last thing that remains is to plate using the tongs.

The garnish and sauces:

The perfect complement to make this dish even tastier. Turkey, being a meat that combines very well with all types of flavors, accepts many options.

  • The most traditional: mashed potatoes are the most typical option. To give it a special touch you can add parmesan. It is also usually accompanied by sweet potato, vegetables such as cabbage and red fruit sauce, which goes very well with this meat.
  • The sweetest: Apple compote is another of the quintessential turkey garnishes. The sweet and salty contrast is a success.
  • In its own juice: Among the most successful garnishes is the so-called Gravy sauce, which is that juice that the turkey has released and with which we have watered it during all the hours in the oven. Strain it before serving (optional, if you want the sauce thick, add flour while hot and stirring to avoid lumps).
  • The most sophisticated: confit mushrooms with truffle; arugula, walnut and cheese salad; or golden pineapple in its juice.
Garnishes for the turkey.

And for the following days? Everything is used from the turkey

Another great feature of roast turkey is the countless recipes that can be made with leftovers. Nothing of this lean meat is thrown away. From the skeleton for a delicious broth, to the remains of meat for croquettes, cannelloni or a Caesar salad to compensate for the excesses. With turkey you can perfectly carry out what is known as “useful cooking”, so necessary in these times of economic uncertainty.

Turkey as a useful cuisine.

Avianza and the online cooking platform, Talent Class, have concluded the “Poultry with Trumpet Ragout” challenge, announcing the three winners of the challenge, which have gone to the participants. Víctor Fabián, Esther Abad and Loreto García.  

All participants had the challenge of making chef Aurelio Morales' original recipe but being able to use chicken, turkey or quail as the main element.

To be able to participate, interested people had to upload their recipe and the result to the Talent Class platform and social networks with the hashtag #retoavianza until November 22.  

After the closing of the contest, an expert jury from Talent Class, headed by Aurelio Morales, evaluated the aesthetics and composition of the participating dishes, resulting in the three aforementioned winners.

Each winner has received a menu as a prize at the Club Allard restaurant in Madrid (to be consumed before March 30, 2023).

With these actions and with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain, Avianza continues immersed in its campaign to promote the consumption of poultry meat in Spain, as well as to disseminate the benefits of this white meat, among which its great nutritional value and quality stand out.

Dish by the winner Víctor Fabián.

Video of the winner Esther Abad

Dish from the winner Loreto García.

  • With the help of the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Damián González, executive chef of the Torres Brothers, discovered all the secrets of the star dish of Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays in general : the turkey
  • During the workshop and subsequent dinner, held at the Dos Cielos restaurant in Madrid, attendees also learned preparation and carving techniques for this bird to later taste this tasty preparation in an enjoyable evening. 

Madrid, November 24, 2022.- Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Poultry Meat Association, and the Ministry of Agriculture. Fishing and Food (MAPA), have wanted to join the traditional celebration of Thanksgiving, where the turkey is the main protagonist. To do this, they have counted on chef Damián González, right-hand man of the Torres Brothers, to carry out an informative workshop on turkey meat at the prestigious Dos Cielos restaurant (Hotel Palacio de los Duques Gran Meliá). 

During the gastronomic workshop, which was attended by around fifty people including personalities, journalists and influencers and which could be followed live on the Avianza Instagram channel, the chef showed various preparation techniques such as preparation, type of cooking and oven temperatures. He also gave the keys to the carving and plating technique, as well as the best culinary combinations. As a finishing touch, attendees later enjoyed an authentic Thanksgiving dinner in a unique and relaxed atmosphere where they savored the prepared turkey.  

The objective of this workshop has been to highlight the benefits of turkey meat, such as its low fat content, its reduced caloric intake or the presence of proteins of high biological value. All this makes turkey one of the most interesting lean meats on the market.

In the words of Jordi Montfort, general secretary of Avianza, “with actions like this from Avianza we want to continue highlighting the quality and versatility of meats such as turkey, which in addition to contributing to a healthy diet, allows us to prepare delicious dishes for the most important celebrations. or for everyday dishes.” 

Turkey meat is one of the most versatile white meats that exist due to its excellent combination of health and flavor. In the case of Thanksgiving, one of the most important holidays in the United States that is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, it is the star dish and is usually served stuffed and accompanied by cranberry sauce. Likewise, stuffed turkey is one of the most common recipes for the Christmas holidays. 

Jordi Montfort, general secretary of Avianza and José Miguel Herrero, general director of the Food Industry, welcoming the event.

Jordi Montfort and Damián González during the presentation of the turkey preparation and carving workshop.
Chef Damián González during the turkey preparation and carving workshop.

Image of the carved turkey with the traditional Thanksgiving garnish.

Traditional Thanksgiving dish.

The European poultry promotion campaign focused on sustainability begins, the first of its kind to be launched in our country. The initiative has been made possible thanks to the cooperation of the national poultry associations of Germany, France and Spain, and their framework association, AVEC (the European Poultry Association), which is based in Belgium. Likewise, the campaign is supported by the European Executive Research Agency (REA) of the European Commission.

The Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat (AVIANZA) will be in charge of developing and implementing all the necessary actions to materialize the campaign in Spain, which will last two years. Under the motto “European poultry, your smart choice”, AVIANZA wants to raise consumers' awareness about the sustainability of the European poultry sector and the high quality of its product.

As Antonio Sánchez, president of Avianza, pointed out during the presentation of the campaign to the media at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, “our country feels livestock farming, healthy eating and the commitment to sustainability as part of the brand. Spain. And this sustainability applied to the poultry sector means that we have been working every day and for many years to ensure that our activity is responsible in the environmental, economic and social spheres.”

Sustainability and quality, the central axes of the campaign

With this campaign, its promoters want to show consumers how the poultry sector applies sustainability in all its processes to be more efficient at all levels. With respect to the environmental field, in Europe a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of up to 15% has been achieved, thanks to better use of natural sources, feed and the improvement of breeding systems. With this, the feed necessary to feed each animal has been optimized, avoiding waste, and the land necessary to produce said feed has been reduced by 37%.

In relation to the social and economic sphere, this sector generates more than 370,000 jobs in Europe, 40,000 of them in Spain. It should also be noted that it promotes rural employment, since in the European Union poultry, both intensive and extensive production, are raised on 25,000 family farms, the majority run by women, so equality of opportunity is also promoted. gender and territorial imbalance is avoided.

And, in addition to sustainability, quality is another of the hallmarks of European poultry meat. “The poultry sector is characterized by guaranteeing animal welfare and food safety, which, added to sustainability, means that a top quality product reaches homes,” added Sánchez during his speech. As Jordi Monfort, general secretary of AVIANZA, indicated during the presentation, to show all this, “we will launch various actions that in a first phase will focus on institutional videos and spots adapted for television.”

During the presentation of the campaign, a colloquium was also held in which Carlos Garcés, president of the Spanish Association of Poultry Science and Sergio Fernández Guerrero, chef and professor at the Higher School of Hospitality and Tourism of Madrid, participated, who highlighted how sustainability is present throughout the entire poultry meat production process and reaches the restaurant.

Purificación González Camacho, deputy general director of Food Promotion of Spain, was in charge of closing the presentation and formally declaring the promotion campaign inaugurated.

Presentation of the European Poultry Campaign: your smart choice. From left to right Sergio Fernández (chef), Carlos Garcés (researcher), Purificación González Camacho (deputy director of Food Promotion of Spain), Antonio Sánchez and Jordi Montfort (president and general secretary of Avianza).
Antonio Sánchez, president of Avianza, during his speech at the presentation of the European poultry meat, your smart choice campaign.

  • During the workshop, chef Aurelio Morales explained the versatility and tricks for cooking poultry, made the recipe “Quail with trumpet ragut and black gnocchi” and launched the “Poultry with trumpet ragut” challenge for the first time. 
  • The challenge, in which all interested parties can participate, consists of making this delicious chef's recipe with chicken, turkey or quail and uploading the result to the Talent Class cooking platform: and social networks (with the hashtag #retoavianza and tagging @talentclass_) 
  •  You can participate until November 22 at 11:59 a.m. and the prize, awarded by an expert jury, will consist of a dinner at the Allard Club in Madrid 

Madrid, October 24, 2022.-  Avianza, the interprofessional poultry meat association, has successfully carried out the online cooking workshop “Cooking with Poultry”. The day was taught by the renowned chef, Aurelio Morales, on the cooking course platform, Talent Class. In this masterclass, the great versatility of birds when cooking was highlighted and the recipe was developed “Quail with trumpet ragut and black gnocchi.” 

After cooking this recipe, the chef launched the “Birds with trumpet ragut” challenge, both for those attending the course and for all people who wish to participate. This challenge consists of making Aurelio Morales' recipe but being able to use chicken, turkey or quail as the main element. 

In this link on the Talent Class platform,, those interested can follow the recipe and upload the result to be able to compete until November 22 at 11:59 a.m. Likewise, it will also be essential to upload the recipe to social networks with the hashtag #retoavianza and tagging @talentclass_. 

Adults can participate in this challenge and share as many recipes as they want (although one will be selected per participant). The jury of chefs, appointed by Talent Class, will evaluate the aesthetics and composition of the dish and on November 23, the 3 winners will be announced through the Talent Class social networks and on the Avianza blog.

Each winner will receive as a prize a menu at the Club Allard restaurant in Madrid (to be consumed before March 30, 2023). 

With these actions and with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain, Avianza continues immersed in its campaign to promote the consumption of poultry meat in Spain, as well as the dissemination of the benefits of this white meat. , among which its great nutritional value and quality stand out. 

Chef Aurelio Morales and his right-hand man, Pablo González, during the online workshop "Cooking with birds."
Recipe made in the online workshop: "Quail with trumpet ragut and black gnocchi."
Avianza and Talent Class Challenge: “Birds with Trumpet Ragut” until November 22.

Avianza, MAPA and Foods of Spain organize this action to promote the consumption of poultry meat

  • The renowned chef will give an online masterclass on October 19 at 6:00 p.m. on the versatility of chicken, turkey and quail and will make a live recipe where poultry meat will be the protagonist
  • This Avianza initiative will be carried out through the cooking course platform, Talent Class, and will have free access for all interested parties through the link:
  • Once again, this action to enhance poultry meat has the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Nutrition of Spain 

Madrid, 1October 4, 2022.- Avianza, the interprofessional poultry meat association, has trusted the renowned chef Aurelio Morales and the online culinary platform, Talent Class, to continue carrying out actions to promote the consumption of poultry meat. On this occasion, it will be Aurelio Morales (chef with a Michelin star for the Cebo restaurant) who will develop the live class “Cooking with Birds” with chicken, turkey and quail meat as the protagonists through the online cooking course portal.

The course will take place next Wednesday, October 19 at 6:00 p.m. and anyone interested can access it through this link:

During the course, Morales will explain the great versatility of birds when it comes to cooking and will make a live recipe specifically designed for one of the poultry meats. The class will be held via Zoom and is part of the extensive Talent Class training offer.

Aurelio Morales is a chef from Madrid who, after being head chef at the Suria de Ramses restaurant, directed the kitchens at Cebo (restaurant at the Urban hotel in Madrid), which earned a Michelin star under his command. This chef is part of the extensive and professional team of teachers on the platform, with such notable names as Carme Ruscalleda, Fran Martínez, Sergi Arola and Martina Puigvert.

Thanks to these collaborations and the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain, Avianza continues immersed in its campaign to promote the consumption of poultry meat in Spain, as well as to disseminate the benefits of this white meat. among which its great nutritional value and quality stand out.




At the interprofessional level, we remain very involved with the European Poultry Meat Association and this is why we are immersed in the launch of the new communication campaign to promote European poultry meat based on the sustainability of the poultry sector.

In this campaign, supported and co-financed by the European Commission and called “Sustainable and good for you”, Avianza has joined the national poultry associations of Germany (BVG) and France (CIPC) with the aim of spreading the message of how The European poultry sector is committed to producing more with less impact, in an intelligent and viable way, through the performance of three pillars of sustainability: Environment, Society and Economy.

The official presentation of this campaign will take place in November and we will keep you informed of all the details.