Having just finished Gulfood, the largest fair in the Middle East dedicated to the food and hospitality industry, the Avianza team deployed there, with Jordi Monfort, our general secretary of Avianza, and Marta Lafarque, our head of the international area, only have good words about the participation of the sector in the fair.

In the first international foray into the Middle East that Gulfood has represented for Avianza, we have been able, first of all, to be the communicative bridge between the attending associated companies, Uvesa Group, Urgasa Group, Coren either Children of Juan Pujalte, among others, with potential B2B clients present at the fair, carrying out our main professional task: supporting companies in the sector.

In addition, the event has become a key networking point with entities as strategic for Avianza as the Dubai Municipality, which allows us to strengthen commercial ties. All this in collaboration with ICEX, our partner for promoting the internationalization plan in the Middle East, with which we have carried out the #MEgustaPoultry campaign that began last September in Dubai to give visibility and promote poultry meat.

Last but not least, Gulfood has been the visible face of the Spanish poultry sector where the more than 40,000 attendees have been able to see, first-hand, the excellence and quality of national products, where we highlight the interest of purchasing managers from countries such as Arab Emirates either Saudi Arabia.

Without a doubt, a great experience that we hope to repeat in the near future to continue representing the poultry sector in the world.

The health benefits of chicken are well known today. That is why eating poultry meat is going to steal your heart but it is going to give it back very healthy. We are going to tell you why.

It has been scientifically proven that the consumption of poultry meat is very favorable for achieving a strong and healthy heart. From its high protein content to the vitamins it provides, you can see that this type of meat has a lot to offer.

There are studies that show that people who regularly consume chicken, turkey and other poultry suitable for consumption have had a significant reduction in LDL cholesterol particles (harmful cholesterol) without modifying HDL cholesterol (beneficial particles).

This is due to the high protein and unsaturated fat content of poultry meat, in general, which makes it a good option for cardiovascular health.

Protein strengthens muscles, which helps heart function, while unsaturated fats help lower cholesterol levels. Chicken is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B6, B12, niacin and selenium. Omega-3s are important for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and keeping blood thin. Vitamin B6 helps metabolize carbohydrates and proteins into energy for the body, while B12 helps with the production of red blood cells. Niacin plays an important role in reducing LDL cholesterol levels.

Skinless breast of chicken, turkey, quail and all types of poultry is one of the leanest cuts of meat on the market, with a fat content of only 1.6 grams. It is also low in calories, making it the perfect food for people who are trying to lose weight or maintain it.

Your heart will be in love with chicken in a long-lasting relationship, in which you will be happy and surely, if you eat partridges, you will also eat chicken and turkey with your eyes... and with your mouth!

At Avianza we invite you to participate in our contest to celebrate the month of love and you will be eligible for one of the five El Corte Inglés gift cards of 150 euros that we have for true bird lovers.  

How to take part? It is very simple! Below we give you the steps you have to follow.  

  1. Choose the bird that makes your heart beat and with which you are going to prepare that recipe that will raise sighs.  
  1. Don't throw away the purchase receipt! You will need it to be able to participate in the contest, as long as it is greater than 7 euros.  
  1. Fill in the form and, in addition to the contact information, attach the recipe and purchase receipt. 

You have until next February 28 to participate. Once the contest is over, the Avianza jury will select the 5 winners who will be announced on March 2 in this link


The six interprofessional organizations of the livestock-meat sector, ASICI, AVIANZA, INTERCUN, INTEROVIC, INTERPORC and PROVACUNO, have made public their satisfaction with the approval of the agri-food PERTE (Strategic project for economic recovery and transformation) by the Council of Ministers of today, which will allow progress in the sector's transformation horizons under the levers of sustainability and digitalization, to shore up Spain's position at the European and global forefront.
of the meat sector.

The interprofessionals thank the Government for considering the agri-food sector - of which the livestock-meat chain is an important part - as a strategic sector for the country, an assessment that is reflected in the approval of this PERTE, integrated into the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience, and that is of singular relevance for Spain.

With this approval, the pioneering initiative promoted by the livestock-meat interprofessionals bears fruit, a sectoral strategic plan linked to European funds that, today, is already being developed by a very large number of companies throughout the chain ( ranchers and industries) from all over Spain.

This livestock-meat sector project will mobilize significant private investment that accompanies PERTE, with the aim of increasing its environmental sustainability and its capacity for innovation, contributing to the recovery and economic transformation of our country.

In this project proposed by the livestock-meat chain, 1,689 companies and farmers from all the Autonomous Communities participate, of which 73.6% are SMEs, together with technological partners in the fields of the circular economy, renewable energy and digitalization, and with an important focus on the territorial problems of our country and the positive contribution to the structure of Spain
rural and the fight against depopulation.

With all this, the livestock-meat chain continues to show its commitment to contribute to the progress and development of Spanish society and its territories, through an ecosystem of activities that generate employment, wealth, territorial and socioeconomic structuring, and focused on sustainability. and in balanced, healthy and responsible eating.

On February 13, the doors of Gulfood, the largest fair in the Middle East dedicated to the food and hospitality industry, will open, and Avianza, the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, will be there, hand in hand with ICEX, as part of its internationalization plan.

The Dubai World Trade Center will be the space where, for four days, the Avianza team will have its stand at Saeed Hall 1 – World Food S1-J4 / S1-K3 STAND 04, which will become the reference point for all visitors from 120 countries and more than 4,000 attending companies who want to know the excellence and quality of Spanish poultry meat.

Participation in Gulfood represents one more action within the #MEgustaPoultry campaign, which began last September in Dubai, to give visibility and promote Spanish poultry meat in the Middle East, one of the priority markets of its internationalization plan. This campaign aims to show distributors, the restaurant sector and consumers the values associated with the Spanish poultry industry, as an international benchmark for its capacity for innovation, transformation and adaptation to new challenges in terms of healthy eating and nutrition.

In these months several actions have been carried out, from the campaign “Back to school” in which there has been the collaboration of 3 recognized Influencers in the UAE who have prepared several dishes using chicken, turkey and quail as a base, to training for cooks and chefs in the country by the renowned Asturian chef Mariano Andrés in SCAFA, The School of Culinary And Finishing Arts in Dubai, among other activities.

The #MEgustaPoultry campaign, which has, in addition to the support of ICEX, the backing of the Foods & Wines From Spain brand and the use of the Poultry From Spain quality seal, culminates with participation in this renowned fair where the aim will be to increase business figures. of the poultry sector, which reaches a turnover of 2.3 billion euros per year and has more than 40,000 direct and indirect jobs.

For Jordi Montfort, secretary general of the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, “For Avianza it is very important to have the ability to participate in such renowned fairs as Gulfood that allow us to publicize the quality of the products of the Spanish poultry meat sector to a region as interesting and important within our internationalization plan as the countries of Middle East".

We invite you to follow us on our social networks, instagram and LinkedIn, where, in the coming weeks, we will share our experience at Gulfood.  


MADRID, January 19, 2022.

The heads of the six interprofessional livestock-meat associations, Asici, Avianza, Intercun, Interovic, Interporc and Provacuno, defend in this opinion article published in El País the different production models of the sector, and call for a calm, responsible and political debate. committed to facing the future challenges of our activity.

Tribuna El País Avianza


According to the data of the “Food waste study 2020” presented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, each Spaniard threw away an average of 31 kilos/liters of food and drink, which represents a total waste of 1,364 million of kilos/liters of food in our country. For this reason, at Avianza we want to propose a commitment for this year: the utilization kitchen.

Poultry meat, one of the richest in nutrients and most versatile when it comes to cooking, is ideal for this purpose, and we will demonstrate it to you periodically with tasty and easy-to-prepare recipes. From Michelin-starred chefs to the most famous cooking and gastronomy blogs, they have dedicated themselves to exploitative cuisine, so we encourage you to look for the recipe that you like the most, whether with chicken, turkey, quail or other birds. Delicious!

One of the keys that these chefs provide to avoid waste is to make a good purchasing plan, based on purchasing what is going to be prepared without trying to store unnecessary products in the refrigerator, which are often doomed to spoil.

Practical advice.

Another important aspect is to seek to fill our shopping basket with versatile products and what do we mean by this term? A good example would be the grilled chicken which allows us, in addition to eating it initially with a good salad, later to make croquettesas he teaches us Alfonso Lopez of Yummy Recipes. West roast chicken broth, hand in hand with Martha Miranda from the specialized website crokpotting

At Avianza we want to promote efficient cooking, and to do so we share several proposals for delicious and healthy recipes using that leftover poultry meat that you can get a lot of use out of.

9 dishes with leftover roast chicken

From The Foodie They bring us these tips on how «recycle the remains of the classic Dominican roastl", as its authors explain. From sandwiches, Moroccan empanadas, salads or broths.

Useful cuisine: a whole chicken and three dishes – RTVE Cocina

In the program Like Sapiens from RTVE present you with a practical session on how to make the most of (up to three dishes) that whole chicken that you can buy in your market, and which will also surely be a very economical proposal.

Turkey Dumplings

For New Year's Eve or any celebration, because turkey is a delicacy to enjoy all year round. But if you can also apply recipes like these empanadilas, even better. A proposal to do with the little ones, since avoiding waste, in addition to saving, shows values of sustainability and commitment that new generations have increasingly assumed.


MADRID, December 20, 2021

For some years now, turkey has been associated with the North American holiday of Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve dinner, but, nevertheless, both due to its versatility when cooking it and its nutritional characteristics, we should include it in our diet from day to day. day. Below we give you some reasons to do so.

  1. It is a natural recovery after practicing sports

Thanks to its high protein and amino acid content, turkey meat is perfect to eat after a training session because it helps us recover muscle. Whether grilled or sausage, turkey will give us a kick to avoid the dreaded soreness.

  • He is the king of the “line”

Turkey is lean meat and contains 2.2 grams of fat per 100 grams of product and provides 107 calories per 100 grams of meat, as long as we discard the skin that accumulates a greater amount of fat. Furthermore, thanks to its high water content, it helps us stay hydrated, a very important aspect in diets.

  • Take care of the heart

Turkey meat contains totally healthy fatty acids that help us have a strong and healthy heart, keeping the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases at bay.

  • Zzzzzzz

Eating turkey meat will help you sleep better. The reason? The high levels of tryptophan it contains help regulate the amount of serotonin produced by the body and, consequently, maintain the sleep cycle correctly.  


MADRID, December 16, 2021

People keep wondering that if they are hormonal, that if the skin makes them fat... but chicken should be an essential in our kitchens and, below, we explain why.  

  • TOP nutritional value for the Healthiest

Chicken is high in excellent quality protein, high in unsaturated fats and low in calories. According to Spanish Nutrition FoundationIn 100 grams of chicken, 20% are proteins, 70.3% is water and only 9.7% are lipids or fats.

  • The proteins that inspire Fitness

Chicken contains up to nine amino acids: tryptophan, valine, threonine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine and phenylalanine. Thanks to them, for example, we reduce stress levels, prevent heart disease and maintain and improve our muscles.  

  • Easy and light digestion

Chicken does not stimulate the production of acids in the stomach or gastric motility, which makes it a highly recommended meat for people with digestion problems or who are going through a temporary gastric illness.

  •  The versatility that the most foodies are looking for

Chicken is an animal from which the vast majority of its parts can be used in different types of preparations, whether baked, grilled, boiled, stewed, breaded, stewed or even en papillote. Yes, it is important to take into account the age of the chicken to determine the type of cooking. The younger the pieces are, the more advisable they are to prepare them in the oven, while the older ones require longer cooking times such as stews and stews.


MADRID, November 19, 2021

AVIANZA, the Spanish Interprofessional Poultry Meat Association, joins Hard Rock Hotel Madrid to celebrate in our country one of the most iconic and international dates in the United States: the Thanksgiving.  

For three days, November 23, 24 and 25, the flagship restaurant of the Hard Rock Hotel Madridsessions, will celebrate Thanksgiving dinner with a special menu that will include, among other delicacies, the classic roast turkey cooked by the renowned chef Juan Hely Pérez.   

Hard Rock Hotel Madrid, which opened its doors last July, did not want to miss the opportunity to celebrate such special dates with the tourists staying at the hotel, in addition to all the Madrid residents and American residents who want to celebrate a event as important as Thanksgiving in a unique environment and with the highest quality poultry products from Spanish producers.  

Avianza will be in charge of providing the turkey poultry meat, both breasts and minced meat, which are part of the preparation of this typical American dish, and which this year will have a more Spanish flavor than ever.   

The menu will consist of pumpkin cream with croutons and cream fresh first, with a roast turkey accompanied by stuffing, green beans, gravy, cranberry sauce and rustic mashed potatoes for the second, to finish with a dessert sin foot accompanied by fresh milk ice cream, all washed down with national broths. 

Thanksgiving with a spirit of solidarity  

Thanksgiving is a day in which families and friends typically get together to give thanks, something to which Avianza and Hard Rock Hotel Madrid have wanted to add, giving this action a spirit of solidarity. Therefore, part of the proceeds obtained will be donated to the NGO Save the Children.  

For Jordi Montfort, secretary general of the Spanish Interprofessional Association of Poultry Meat, “This action allows us to show the excellent pairing that Spanish turkey meat forms with a celebration as typically American as Thanksgiving. We combine the quality of local poultry products with the good work of the chef Juan Hely Pérez, and an environment as exceptional as Hard Rock Hotel Madrid, to invite all tourists and citizens to live this experience.”   

For Raúl Palomo, General Manager of Hard Rock Hotel Madrid “It is a pleasure to be able to collaborate in solidarity actions as we know best, Hard Rock style hand in hand with our gastronomy and our space in Madrid. We believe that our chef's proposal will be very popular and we invite anyone who wants to come and taste it.”.