Entries by Avianza



The six interprofessional organizations that represent the Spanish livestock-meat sector (ASICI, AVIANZA, INTERCUN, INTEROVIC, INTERPORC AND PROVACUNO) have demonstrated their unity of action and commitment to value and defend the interests of the entire chain and guarantee its sustainability and economic, environmental and social resilience to contribute to the recovery and stability that Spain needs to face future challenges. 


Open letter livestock-meat sector

Our joint work continues with the rest of the interprofessionals for the construction of the Municipal Livestock-Meat Network, a joint initiative to bring together municipalities with a significant presence of livestock and industries in their territory. The next step has been the signing of an important collaboration agreement with the FEMP, and the presentation of what will be the First Forum of the Network, scheduled for October.


We sign an agreement with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces

Our joint work continues with the rest of the interprofessionals for the construction of the Municipal Livestock-Meat Network, a joint initiative to bring together municipalities with a significant presence of livestock and industries in their territory. The next step has been the signing of an important collaboration agreement with the FEMP, and the presentation of what will be the First Forum of the Network, scheduled for October.